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First time Visitor Info
- Prime Directive: Be Excellent to Each Other
- If you park in our neighbors private lot, they will block you in for fun.
- Waivers of Liability - Please sign if you have not already
- Our website / calendar is http://www.lvl1.org
- Sign up for our Google Group discussion list
- You can find all of our Meeting Minutes at http://wiki.lvl1.org
Equipment and Supplies Wanted
- (Muddy Tech) Computers P4 or higher and LCD Monitors
- Posted 11/13/12
- (Tim) - 5 x 100 lb. Propane Tanks
- 3/4" High Pressure hose
- 1/4" copper pipe + fittings
- flexable white hose
- lots of expensive things
- posted 6/11/2013
- (Alexis) - Wii Remote
- posted 6/25/2013
- (Paul F) Black Iron piping for decoration
- posted 7/23/2013
- (Flugtag Team - Tim)
- 2" Foam sheets
- 2" PVC pipe 60 feet total
- Donations to cover trip
- posted 7/30/2013
- Old Macbooks (Josiah - jschaer1@gmail.com)
- Posted 8/6
- Josh
- Electric Oven
- Giant mixing bowls
- Posted 8/13
Space Upgrades
- Laser cutter belts fixed!
Space Downgrades
- Right Extruder on Johnny Five is no longer reading temperature.
- Laser cutter needs calibration!
- The quickest way to get something fixed is to let us know that it is broken! Send broken equipment reports to Broken@lvl1.org
- This includes supplies like toilet paper and soap!
Regular Meetups
- Sound Builders (fortnightly Mondays, next 9/2 8pm)
- LVL1 Open Meeting & Making every (Tuesday 8pm)
- Muddytech Computer training (upstairs Thurs 6pm) Looking for students
- Muddytech SIG every 3rd Wednesday
- Game Dev Group (Sundays 12pm)
- MakerEd Educators MeetUp (1st Wed of the Month 9/4 @ 7pm)
- KYOSS Monthly Meeting (2nd Wed of the Month 9/11 6:30pm)
- Friday Irregular Movie and Open Build Night (Friday ~7pm)
- Java Workshop (Fourth Wed of the Month) - 8/28 7pm
- SWF Space Work Fun (Last Saturday of the Month next 8/31 1pm)
- Guinness World Record (Last Saturday of the month next 8/31 2pm pending SWF Space Work Funmeeting.)
- Flugtag (Every Monday, up to and including 9/16)
Upcoming Workshops and Events
- Makevention Bloomington - August 24
- Bernheim Connect
- August 24th, 6:24pm-10:24pm Bernheim Forest
- http://bernheim.org/programs/arts-in-nature-program/connect/
- CONNECTGlow, competition for light sculpture with NO AC OR GENERATOR POWER
- $1000 1st prize, $500 2nd prize, and other prizes
- Maximum of 10 entry forms will be selected
- Entry Form: http://bernheim.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Connectglo_Form13.pdf
- Entries close on Aug 12th
- Makership Application Deadline 8/31 11:59pm
- http://www.lvl1.org/makership/
- 3 Months LVL1 Membership + $100 for project funds
- One every month!
- Hardware Startup Meetup - 9/6 - 6:30 pm
- http://www.meetup.com/LouisvilleHardwareStartups/events/133348322/
- Interested in startups? Interested in building cool stuff?
- Ladder Logic Workshop - 9/8 - 6 pm to 8 pm
- https://www.eventbrite.com/event/7831585483
- $25 for non members
- $15 for members
- Raspberry Pi Hackathon
- September 14th - 9am to September 15th 6pm (With break for sleep, if desired)
- http://eventbrite.com/event/7775949073?utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new_eventv2&utm_term=eventurl_text
- Limited 10 teams
- Cash Prizes!
- Aaaaand it's gone. (Sold out!)
- Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire
- September 14th-15th
- Derbycon
- September 27th-29th
- LVL1 hosting Afterparty September 27th!
- Need volunteers for LVL1 booth!
- Mini Maker Faire Louisville
- Sept 28th
- Call for Makers is open! http://makerfairelou.org/
- Need volunteers for LVL1 booth!
- Spread the Word!
- Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire
- October 19th
5 Minute Maintenance and Cleaning
- List on the main whiteboard
- Metal Workshop
- Wood Workshop
- Big Room
- Main Room
Project Roll Call
Post Meeting Notes
- Attendance: 35
- Meeting Start: 8:06 PM
- Meeting Stop: 8:40 PM
- Tour Guide: Jose
- Dinner: Ben with breaded porkchops! Yum!
- Notes:
- Introduction
- Nathan A. is playing secretary tonight; read if you dare...
- Lots of new people here tonight! Welcome!
- Equipment Wanted
- EL Wire might be taken care of; Justin needs to confirm
- Divinity does not need cardboard any more
- Divinity needs a gas stove
- Jason needs small lumber, 200 ft of rope; next 2 days only!
- Space Upgrades
- Space has been rearranged!!!
- Laser cutter is now fixed! WOOOOOO!!!!!! YESSSS!!!!!!
- Bucket added upstairs for vinyl scraps
- CNC Machine is awesomer with new computer and control software! WOOOT!
- Space Downgrades
- Someone please calibrate the laser cutter!
- Laser cutter temperature sensor is intermittent. Needs fixed!
- Regular Meetups
- Soundbuilders wants to shake the ground with a gigantic PA system
- Last Friday movie was so bad (the Room) that it was stopped last time
- This Friday movie: bring the worst movie you can find; Phantom of the Paradise circa 1970s suggested
- SWF Meeting: All tools fixed reasonably well; WE NEED HELP TO CLEAN! Moving, swapping, dusting, etc.
- Guinness World Record: if you have an idea for a record breaking attempt PLEASE say it! We'll help!
- Flugtag: Need pushers to push the thing off the pier!
- Upcoming Workshops & Events
- August 24: Brainstorming Hometown Health Hackathon; Saturday 3 pm to 6 pm! There will be FREE food!
- Makerships for the next 6 months! Please advertise this so we can make LVL1 and its community more awesome!
- Raspberry Pi Hackathon is FULL! Come on down anyway for all the projects and fun! (SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!)
- Brad needs volunteers for Derbycon!!!
- Louisville Mini Maker Faire! Sharing a venue with NULUFEST! Power tools racing via roller coaster!!
- Project Roll Call
- Chris C is working on Raspberry Pi with 18 Gb Wikipedia archive and Kahn Academy Lite. Working on an educational stack!
- Bob is working on a device to look at the condition of a hole in a part using a webcam.
- Divinity made an awesome sign; working on "Glowdium" and applause sign. Divinity needs help with "explodium"
- Jason is called out for his Bernhiem projector. Plays 2 second videos. Don't look at his flash light!
- Kevin working on a device to learn a sound and send a text message for deaf folks. He needs help with sound recognition.
- Introduction