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This document details the operation of LVL1 Inc.




This corporation shall be known as LVL1 (hereinafter also referred to as the "Corporation").

Statement of Purpose

LVL1 Inc, Not for Profit Company is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding section of any future United States Internal Revenue law). Its mission includes, but is not limited to:

  • Providing workspace, equipment and other resources for communal use by all members.
  • Creating a safe and open environment for experimentation in technology and art.
  • Encouraging continued learning through workshops, classes, seminars and mentoring.


LVL1 shall continuously maintain in the Commonwealth of Kentucky a registered office and a registered agent whose business office, for the purposes of this corporation, is identical with such registered office. The registered office shall be the physical location of our workspace. In the event that we do not have a physical workspace, the registered office shall be determined by the board of directors.


This Corporation shall have two classes of Members: Full Members and Provisional Members. Founding Members are completely equivalent to Full Members. Founding Member is a temporary designation to recognize dues paying members, prior to LVL1 securing a physical location. No member shall hold more than one membership.


Any person 18 years of age or older shall become a Member upon:

  • Signature of at least 3 current full members to act as member sponsors
  • Verification of a completed membership form by the Secretary, and
  • Timely payment of dues as determined by the board of directors.

A Provisional member must also provide government-issued photo identification to at least two members of the board of directors at the time of payment of the first membership fee, and provide an electronic mail address for receiving official notice of members' meetings. Any person who does meet these requirements is a Member of LVL1.

The first 3 months of membership shall be considered provisional. During this 3 month period, the only rights of membership shall be unique keys to access the space, twenty-four hour access to the physical workspace, and storing a reasonable amount of equipment at the workspace. If a Provisional member fails to fulfill the responsibilities of membership during this period, Full Members may object to the membership. If any sponsors become objectors, they are no longer counted as sponsors. Objections to membership shall be directed to the member in question and the Board of Directors for attempted mediation. If during this 3 month period there are more unresolved objections to the membership than sponsors for the membership, the membership shall be terminated. In the event that the objections happen in the last week of the provisional period, the Provisional membership period may be extended by the board until the next regular or annual meeting at least 7 days away.

Rights and Responsibilities

Full Members enjoy the following privileges:

  • A key or other method of entry to the physical workspace.
  • Twenty-four hour access to the physical workspace.
  • Store a reasonable amount of equipment at the workspace.
  • Sponsor a qualified person for a membership vote.
  • Eligibility to submit and authorize Funding Allocation Petitions
  • Eligibility to vote on any issue put before the membership.
  • Eligibility to vote for officers and directors.

Full and Provisional Members must also fulfill the following responsibilities:

  • A member must thoughtfully contribute to LVL1's direction and policies.
  • A member must pay the monthly fee as determined by the board of directors.
  • A member must provide their current address, contact information, and preference for electronic receipt of communications.
  • At the time a member's eligibility is terminated, they must forfeit his or her method of entry in addition to any other property owned by LVL1 to a member of the board of directors or an agent designated by the board of directors for this purpose.
  • A member must abide by the LVL1 Harassment Policy.


  1. The Board of Directors shall determine the monthly dues for Full Members such that the corporation shall be financially sustained.
  2. Monthly Dues for Full Members will become effective 30 days after they are announced at an official meeting of the membership.
  3. All members are in good standing except a member who has failed to pay his or her current monthly membership fee, or any other subscription or debt due and owing by the member to the corporation, and the member is not in good standing so long as the debt remains unpaid.
  4. Member dues may be waived for a three month period due to financial hardship or relocation by written petition signed by more than three quarters (3/4ths) of the Board of Directors. Payment of dues may be waived for any other reason only by voting members at a duly called meeting.

Inactive Membership

  1. A Full Member may temporarily designate their status as Inactive and suspend their membership dues, rights and responsibilities for reasons including, but not limited to, academic pursuit, military service or professional relocation.
  2. The member must send their notice of Inactive Membership to the Board of Directors, stating the reason for their membership inactivity.
  3. After notification, Inactive status for the Member will begin on their first non-payment of monthly membership dues. For the duration of the inactivity, he or she shall not be considered a Full Member. The Inactive Member may at any time again become a Full Member, provided he or she assumes the Member Rights and Responsibilities in full.

Suspension of Membership

  1. Membership may be suspended for non-payment of dues or in consequence of violating the anti-harassment policy, as determined by the Board of Directors.
  2. Any suspended member may restore their membership 90 days after suspension upon payment of dues owed and payable through one month beyond the end of the suspension period.
  3. In order for the suspension to be lifted, the suspended member must go through the same vetting process as occurs on acceptance of a new member.
  4. A majority of the board can vote to suspend the membership of a member, at which time their access to the space will also be suspended.

Suspension for Cause

  1. The board may vote to temporarily suspend a Full or Provisional member for the following reasons:
    1. Intentional damage to equipment valued over $100 which is either owned by LVL1 or on loan to LVL1.
    2. Endangering LVL1's lease or the existence of LVL1.
    3. Clear and convincing evidence of thievery by the member.
  2. The suspension period can be no more than 16 days, and must end on a Tuesday after the weekly or annual meeting, during which the board should attempt to resolve the issue, and prepare a vote for the membership if further action is necessary. During this time, the member's access to the space will be restricted to meetings necessary to resolve the issue. If the issue is resolved, the board may lift the suspension at any time.
  3. The board may set uncontroversial rules in order to protect equipment, maintain the lease, and protect the existence of LVL1. These rules, narrowly restricted to these specified cases, must be submitted to the membership for examination for a minimum of 7 days, and, if no unresolved objections, can be instituted without a vote of the membership. The rules must be posted in the relevant areas to be considered in effect. If three full members object to a rule already in effect, it must be submitted to the membership for a vote at the next weekly meeting. Violation of rules in effect shall be sufficient cause for the member's suspension under this section.

Termination of Membership

  1. A person ceases to be a member of the corporation
    1. by delivering his or her resignation in writing to the Board of Directors,
    2. on his or her death,
    3. on being expelled, or
    4. on having been a member not in good standing for 3 consecutive months, except by special arrangement at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  2. Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Board of Directors or by mailing or delivering it to the address of the corporation.
  3. Resignation shall not relieve a member of unpaid dues or other monies owed.
  4. Membership may also be terminated for any reason by resolution passed by more than three quarters (3/4ths) of the voting members.
    1. Notice of termination shall be given by any method reasonably calculated to provide actual notice to the member.
    2. The notice of special resolution for expulsion must be accompanied by a brief statement of the reasons for the proposed expulsion.
    3. The member shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either orally or in writing, before the effective date of the proposed termination.
    4. The hearing shall be held, or the written statement considered, by the members.
    5. The members shall then vote on whether the membership is to be terminated.
  5. on being banned permanently, per the LVL1 Harassment Policy.
  6. The corporation reserves the right to limit membership based on the capacity of the space.
  7. Upon resignation or termination, members will be removed from the access list for the door, and unsubscribed from the member email list. They may remain on the discussion list if they so choose.


  1. LVL1 will keep account of funds acquired by grants, donations, events and workshops.
  2. A fundraising effort can be terminated at the request of the fundraiser or a quorum membership vote.
  3. Contractual Fundraising (e.g. Grants)
    1. This section applies to all fundraising efforts that require the organization to enter into a contract. Theses efforts henceforth will be called “grants.”
    2. Members have the right to apply for grants on the behalf of the organization if the application is first approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors
    3. The criteria used by the Board of Directors in evaluating and approving a grant application includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Grant application further supports the organization’s mission as defined under Statement of Purpose in these bylaws
      2. Grant application does not jeopardize the organization’s status as a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit corporation
      3. Grant application does not create a situation that violates the organization’s lease/rental agreement
      4. Grant application does not create an unsafe environment within the premises
    4. Upon approval, the Board of Directors will assign a board member to assist the grant applicant in completing all required paperwork (e.g.providing signatures on behalf of the organization).
    5. Proceeds awarded by a grant will only be spent in accordance to the grant proposal as approved by the Board of Directors. The grant applicant will be solely responsible for allocation of grant proceeds.
    6. Any grant funds awarded but not approved by the Board of Directors will be classified as unspent funds
    7. Any unspent funds will be returned in accordance to the grant’s guidelines/contract or otherwise will be accounted to the general fund.
  4. Non-contractual Fundraising (e.g. Donations, Events, Workshops)
    1. Proceeds from these activities may be designated towards a specific fundraising effort of the donor or hosts choosing. The proceeds for a fundraising effort will only be used for the stated purpose of that effort at the time of their accounting.
    2. When a fundraising effort is completed or terminated, any remaining funds will be accounted to the general fund, unless otherwise specified by the donor or hosts upon receipt of funds.

Funds Allocation Petition

  1. Members have the right to submit a Funding Allocation Petition (FAP) to membership to allow the release of general funds. FAPs will include:
    1. Total amount of the requested funds.
    2. A short description of how the released funds will be spent towards the collective use, collective benefit or collective prestige of LVL1.
  2. Approval and disapproval for a FAP can be gathered through physical or electronic means over the course of one week.
  3. When more than 50% of voting members in good-standing have approved a FAP, it is given to the Treasurer, and upon verification it is approved. Members may rescind their approval at the time of verification; or any time prior to final verification.
  4. One week after submission, a FAP that has not received a full 50% approval from voting members in good-standing will end. At that time, the FAP passes if two conditions are met:
    1. More than 50% of voting members in good-standing have responded to the FAP with either approval or disapproval.
    2. More than 50% of those member responses approve the FAP.
  5. The Treasurer will notify the membership when a FAP is approved and include the following information in the notification:
    1. Total amount authorized for the FAP.
    2. The verified members authorizing the FAP.
  6. FAP authorization will expire 2 months after approval. When the FAP authorization expires, the remaining FAP funds return to the general fund.

Harassment Policy

LVL1 is a place for persons of all backgrounds to make amazing things. Therefore, LVL1 is dedicated to being a harassment-free hackerspace for everyone. LVL1 establishes the following policy to ensure a harassment-free atmosphere.

Harassment Definition

The LVL1 community will not tolerate any harassment, verbal or physical, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender-identity, sexual orientation, nationality, age, disability, physical appearance, parental status, political beliefs or any other distinction that creates discomfort for an individual. The LVL1 community will not tolerate any harassing behaviors including, but not limited to, unwelcome sexual attention, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording or inappropriate physical contact.

Community Guidelines

LVL1 presents the following guidelines to prevent harassment.

  1. Ask before touching another person or entering their personal space. Interpret the absence of a clear “Yes” as a “No” and abide by it.
  2. When community members and guests express a limit to the amount and type of socializing they wish to engage in, abide by that limit.
  3. You are encouraged to express any socializing limits you may have.
  4. When you question whether a joke, question, statement, or other communication would be considered inappropriate, do not proceed to communicate.
  5. When you are asked to stop any harassing behavior, comply immediately.
  6. Always strive to be excellent to your fellow hackers.

Violation of this Policy

All persons asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. LVL1 encourages persons involved to discuss transgressions of this policy in a mature manner prior to reporting an offense to the Board of Directors. If the harassment continues or the transgression is severe, LVL1 encourages the community to report the behavior to any member of the Board of Directors. The Directors are committed to take all claims of harassment seriously and to treat all concerns with the strictest confidentiality.

When a violation of this policy is reported to a member of the board of directors, the board will open an investigation. The board will seek all necessary information from all persons involved, evaluate the information, and develop a plan of recourse within the Board’s powers. The Board of Directors is empowered to take the following actions against persons in violation of this policy:

  1. A warning
  2. A temporary ban from the premises for a to-be-determined duration of time approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  3. A permanent ban from the premises approved by a unanimous vote by the Board of Directors.

The Board may skip to more serious consequences at its discretion. A warning will only be given once.

The Secretary will keep a record of all allegations, information gathered, and penalties assessed. This record will only be accessible by the Board of Directors.


Regular Meetings

Regular meetings for LVL1 shall be held Tuesday nights at 8pm. The meeting shall be held at the registered address or at a location determined by the board of directors.

Annual Meetings

The annual meeting shall occur at the standard meeting time and the standard meeting place on the third Tuesday of January. The date and time can be changed by the procedures for a Vote of the Membership, as defined in these bylaws. The following issues shall be addressed at the annual meeting:

  • Election of all officers.
  • Election of all at-large directors.
  • Any other issues that members have placed before the membership to be discussed at the annual meeting, pursuant to the proposal and voting rules stated in these bylaws for Votes of the Membership.

Notice of Meetings

Notice of all meetings of Members, excluding regular weekly meetings, at the registered address must be sent at least 5 days in advance. Notice shall be sent electronically to all members, to the e-mail addresses they have on file with the corporation.

Board Meeting Procedure

Board Meeting procedure shall follow a format mutually agreed upon by the board. In the event of any conflicts about the procedure, the meeting procedure shall follow the MIBS Simplified Rules of Coordinated Consensus Through Chaos, available at MIBS Rules.


Votes of the Membership

Voting member

A voting member is a Full Member in good standing who has not voluntarily suspended their voting rights or who has been removed from quorum count for inactivity.

Issues Proper for a Vote of the Membership

Any issue not specifically assigned to the discretion of the board of directors, by these bylaws, shall be subject to a vote of the Full Members. Issues subject to a Vote of the Membership include, but are in no way limited to, votes on issues of project funding, equipment and resource purchasing, and amendment of these bylaws.

Voluntary Suspension of Voting Rights

Those members who do not wish to be included in voting matters may voluntarily suspend their own voting rights by notifying the secretary in writing or electronically. Members who suspend this right retain all other benefits and responsibilities of membership, but will not count as an existing member only in matters of establishing quorum. Voting rights can be reclaimed at any time by notifying the secretary, and from that point on they shall remain counted towards quorum unless and until they voluntarily suspend their voting rights again.


Quorum for a vote of the membership of LVL1 shall require at least 50% of the voting members on the day of the vote. For the purposes of calculating the quorum, properly submitted proxy statements by members shall count as attendance.

Removal from Quorum count for inactivity

Within 30 days after each annual meeting, the Secretary or Vice President shall send notice to all members who have not voted in the preceding two board elections notifying them that they will no longer be counted towards quorum unless they notify the Secretary within 30 days. Those members who do not respond affirmatively within 30 days will no longer count towards quorum. Those members can restore their quorum count by notifying the Secretary or by voting in the next board election.

Submitting an Issue for Vote

Any Full Member may submit an issue for vote by the membership, unless the issue is specifically enumerated in the bylaws as something subject to vote by the board of directors. To be properly submitted for a vote, the member must submit a written statement of the issue to be voted on to the board of directors at least seven days before the meeting at which the issue shall be voted on. An e-mailed statement of the issue shall be considered submission in writing for the purpose of this rule.


Notice of all issues properly submitted for vote by the membership shall be given to all members no later than 5 days before the meeting at which they will be voted on. Notice shall be sent electronically, to the e-mail address that members have provided to the corporation. Notice of all issues to be voted on shall be consolidated with the notice of the member meeting at which the issues will be voted on. The Board of Directors is responsible for sending out the notice of the meeting, with the agenda of timely submitted issues to be considered.

Voting By Proxy

Members may vote by proxy. To vote on a matter by proxy, a member must provide written or e-mailed notice to the board of directors at least 24 hours before the membership meeting where the vote is scheduled to take place. The notice must state the member's intention that he shall vote by proxy, state which issues he intends to vote on by proxy, and state how he intends to vote on each issue. Proper proxy statements shall count as attendance at the meeting for the purposes of calculating the quorum.

Voting Procedures

Discussion prior to a vote shall be allowed for a reasonable amount of time. The meeting moderator can, at his or her discretion, institute time limits as specified by the MIBS Simplified Rules of Coordinated Consensus Through Chaos. Votes not taken by proxy shall be taken by written ballot during the meeting of the vote. The results shall be tallied by the secretary or other board member and announced by the end of the meeting whenever possible.


Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, a simple majority vote of the Full Members present shall ratify any issue put before the membership for a vote. Under the meaning of 'present' in this section, members voting by proxy count toward calculating that majority.

Votes of the Directors


Quorum for a vote of the directors of LVL1 shall require at least 50% of the existing directors on the day of the vote. Directors present at the meeting via teleconferencing equipment are considered present.

Submitting an Issue for Vote

These bylaws are deemed placed before the Board of Directors for a vote by operation of Kentucky law. Other issues may be placed before the Board of Directors for a vote as enumerated in these bylaws. Only issues that these bylaws explicitly state are subject to a vote of the officers shall be resolved by a vote of the officers. Any such issues may be placed for a vote of the board of directors by the process denoted in these bylaws by which such an issue may be considered. Any other issue shall only be placed for a vote of the membership.


Notice of all issues properly submitted for vote by the board of directors shall be given to all directors no later than 5 days before the meeting at which they will be voted on. Notice shall be sent electronically, to the e-mail address that each director has provided to the corporation.

Remote Attendance

Votes by the Directors may not be made by proxy. Directors must attend the meeting of the Board of Directors, either in person or remotely through teleconference methods arranged with the Board before the meeting, in order to vote on matters placed before the Board of Directors.

Voting Procedures

Voting procedures, including time limits for discussion before taking a vote, shall be defined by the MIBS Simplified Rules of Coordinated Consensus Through Chaos.


Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, a simple majority vote of the directors present shall ratify any issue put before the directors for a vote. Under the meaning of 'present' in this section, directors present via telecommunications count toward calculating that majority.


LVL1 is led by a group of officers with designated responsibilities according to their role. No officer shall be compensated for his work as an officer. No officer may serve more than three consecutive terms as an officer.


In order to be eligible to be nominated, a person must be Full Member as defined earlier in these bylaws for six consecutive months. For the initial election of officers, or in any replacement election during the six months after the initial election of officers, a person must be a member in order to run for office.


Any full member has the right to nominate a person for office. A full member has the right to nominate himself. Only the nominated candidate can un-nominate himself. All nominations for officer positions are due one week before the annual meeting. If only one person is timely nominated to run for an office and accepts such nomination, he shall run unopposed. If no person is timely nominated to run for an office and accepts such nomination, nominations for that position may be made at the annual meeting, in person, before the vote. If nobody is nominated in this way, the person holding the office may choose to continue in his position, or choose to appoint his successor.


Elections shall be held every year at the annual meeting of members, as defined in these bylaws. The first election shall be held one week after the first collection of dues.

Naming Rights

Every officer has the right to rename the office the holds for the duration of his or her tenure. The responsibilities of the office remain the same as detailed in the bylaws.



The President shall organize and preside over all meetings of the membership; he or she shall enforce the rules of meeting procedure and provide proper notice of all meetings of the membership & of the board of directors pursuant to these bylaws and the law of Kentucky. He or she also serves as a representative of LVL1 to the public, and in all functions where a President may be called for by law or any other outside requirements. The president is responsible for making sure that the corporation files it's annual report, Kentucky charitable organization statements, and any other papers required to maintain legal nonprofit status by the law of Kentucky or Federal law.

Vice President

In the event that the President cannot fulfill his responsibilities at any meeting or function, it is the responsibility of the Vice President to fulfill the obligations of the President. In addition, the Vice President is responsible for administering LVL1 Membership Management duties, including (but not limited to) collecting dues, onboarding new members, tracking membership status, and keeping current member records.


The Secretary shall be responsible for recording all minutes of all official meetings of the membership and the board of directors. The Secretary must make available a hard copy of the minutes of all meetings of the members and the board of directors at the registered location of LVL1, in addition to making such records available online in a static format on the LVL1 website.


The Treasurer is responsible for monitoring all financial assets of LVL1. This includes but is not restricted to accounting, the collection of membership dues from members, the payment of rent and utilities for any space leased by LVL1, the disbursement and reimbursement of funds authorized to be spent under the procedures detailed in these bylaws.

Expiration of Term

An officer's term shall expire at the Annual Meeting following the appointment of his or her successor.


Any officer may resign at any time by written notice delivered to the the president or secretary of the corporation. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a future date. The pending vacancy may be filled before the effective date, but the successor shall not take office until the effective date. In the event that an officer resigns, Full Members shall elect a replacement officer using the membership voting procedure defined in these bylaws. Nominations for people to run to replace the officer who has resigned shall open when the officer tenders his resignation, and remain open for one week. Members shall elect the replacement officer among the candidates who have been nominated and accepted their nomination, using the Votes of the Membership procedures in these bylaws. The replacement officer's term shall last until new officers are elected at the next Annual Meeting.


The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three at-large Directors. No director shall be compensated monetarily for his work as a director.

At large Directors

An at large Director shall be a member of the Board of Directors who is not an officer.


To be nominated to serve as an at-large director, a member must fulfill the same eligibility requirements as an officer as stated elsewhere in these bylaws.


Nomination of at-large director candidates shall be done by the same process as officer elections as detailed elsewhere in these bylaws.


Elections for at-large directors shall take place at the annual meeting. All directors shall be elected at the same time, by the process determined in these bylaws for Votes of the Membership, except that every full member will have three votes with which to apply to the nominees. The three nominees with the most votes shall be the at-large directors until the next election. If only three people are timely nominated to run for at-large director positions and accept their nominations, they shall run unopposed. If only two or less persons are timely nominated to run for at-large director, then they shall run unopposed. An election for the remaining seats shall occur at the meeting. Nominations for candidates to fill the unfilled seats shall be accepted at the meeting, and an election shall follow. That election shall follow all rules for a Vote of the Membership as defined in these bylaws. If nobody is timely nominated to run for at-large director, an election for all seats shall occur at the meeting. Nominations for candidates to fill all seats shall be accepted at the meeting, and an election shall follow. That election shall follow all rules for a Vote of the Membership as defined in the bylaws, except that each Full Member shall get three votes, and the three candidates with the most votes shall become at-large directors. If nobody accepts nomination to run for at-large director positions, the existing at-large directors may choose to retain their positions or choose to appoint another member to their seat. If less than three persons run for at-large director but nobody accepts nomination to run for the remaining seats, a number of then-existing at-large directors equaling the number of remaining seats may choose to retain their seat or appoint another person to it. The at-large directors may choose who retains this power by agreement or, if all want to retain it or appoint a successor, may settle the dispute in a manner proposed by the current President and agreed to by the members with a vote by the process determined in these bylaws for Votes of the Membership.

Naming Rights

Every director has the right to append a director title for the duration of his or her tenure. The responsibilities of each director remain the same as detailed in the bylaws.

Expiration of Term

An at-large director's term shall expire at the Annual Meeting following his election.


Any at-large director may resign at any time by written notice delivered to the the president or secretary of the corporation. An officer is also considered immediately resigned upon death or being incapacitated where fulfilling the duties of office is impossible. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a future date. The pending vacancy may be filled before the effective date, but the successor shall not take office until the effective date. In the event that an at-large director resigns, Full Members shall elect a replacement at-large director using the membership voting procedure defined in these bylaws. Nominations for people to run to replace the at-large director who has resigned shall open when the at-large director tenders his resignation, and remain open for one week. Members shall elect the replacement at-large director among the candidates who have been nominated and accepted their nomination, using the Votes of the Membership procedures in these bylaws. The replacement officer's term shall last until new at-large directors are elected at the next Annual Meeting.


The Board of Directors is a body that shall fulfill all roles required by Kentucky law. Any decisions not mandated by Kentucky law to fall with the Board of Directors may only be delegated to the Board of Directors by a vote of the membership to amend these bylaws to explicitly give the board of directors such decision making power. Any policy affecting the organization at-large will, unless stated otherwise, be decided upon by the voting membership. The Board of Director's are responsible for knowing and enforcing adherence to bylaws.

Officer Oversight

The Board of Directors is responsible for making sure the officers of LVL1 are performing their duties as defined by these by laws, and providing any assistance that the Officers may need in performing those duties. This responsibility extends to oversight of the officers, but does not extend to altering the scope of the officers' duties, or to the authority to remove an officer. The Board of Directors does not have authority to alter the scope of an officers' duties or remove an officer from his position; any such decision must be made by a vote of the membership.

Drafting the Agenda

The Board of Directors is responsible for collecting a list of the issues on the agenda for each membership meeting, and circulating that list to the members for them to vote on at the upcoming meeting. This responsibility is purely ministerial. The Board of Directors has no power to decide which issues are brought to the membership for a vote. As long as an issue is submitted in a timely fashion, within the time frame defined by these bylaws, the Board of Directors must place it on the agenda and submit it to the members for a vote at the next meeting, within the time frame defined by these bylaws for circulating notice of a Vote of the Membership. Directors have the right to make nonbinding suggestions about the proposals added to the agenda. However, these suggestions are not binding on the membership, and members are free to discuss, debate, and vote on a proposal no matter what, if anything, directors may say about the motion. The Board of Directors need not call a formal meeting to draft the agenda.


The Board of Directors shall have an annual meeting, as required by law. The annual meeting of the board of directors shall be on the third Tuesday in January. Notice of this annual meeting shall be provided electronically to all directors and members of the organization, at the e-mail address provided to the corporation, at least 5 days in advance. Notice shall also be posted at the corporation's registered address. The Board of Directors may also call special meetings other than the annual meeting, as necessary. Notice of any special meeting shall be provided electronically to all directors and members of the organization, at the e-mail address provided to the corporation, at least 5 days in advance. Notice shall also be posted at the corporation's registered address. All full members may attend any meeting of the board of directors.

Corporate Seal

The Board of Directors may adopt, use and modify a corporate seal. Failure to affix the seal to corporate documents shall not affect the validity of such documents.


Any officer or director of the LVL1 shall be indemnified to the full extent allowed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Conflict of Interest

  1. Any member of the board who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the Board, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, will offer to the Board to voluntarily excuse him/herself and will vacate his seat and refrain from discussion and voting on said item.

Books, Records, and Reports

Monthly Report

LVL1 shall make a monthly accounting statement to the Members of the LVL1 electronically available on the last day of the following month. Such report shall include a balance sheet as of the close of the month and a revenue and disbursement statement.

Annual Report

LVL1 shall send an annual report to the Members of the LVL1 not later than 6 months after the close of each fiscal year. Such report shall include a balance sheet as of the close of the fiscal year of LVL1 and a revenue and disbursement statement for the year ending on such closing date. Such financial statements shall be prepared from and in accordance with the books of LVL1, and in conformity with generally accepted principles applied on a consistent basis.

Permanent Records

LVL1 shall keep current and correct records of the accounts, minutes of the meetings and proceedings and membership records of LVL1. Such records shall be kept at the registered office or the principal place of business of LVL1. Any such records shall be in written form or in a form capable of being converted into written form.

Inspection of Corporate Records

Any person who is a Member of LVL1 shall have the right at any reasonable time, and on written demand stating the purpose thereof, to examine and make copies from the relevant books and records of accounts, minutes, and records of LVL1. Upon the written request of any Member, LVL1 shall mail such Member a copy of the most recent balance sheet and revenue disbursement statement.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the corporation shall be the period selected by the Board of Directors as the tax year of the corporation for federal income tax purposes.

Dissolution of the Organization


The organization may not dissolve less than 30 days from the time a proposal to dissolve passes.

Asset Distribution

In the event that a movement to dissolve the organization passes, assets may be liquidized to pay off any debt the organization may have accrued. Any remaining assets of the organization must be donated to an IRS 501c3 compliant charitable, educational, or scientific endeavor.


  1. These bylaws shall be amended by a majority vote of the membership at any Annual or Special member meeting provided a quorum is present and provided a copy of the proposed amendment(s) are provided to each member with the agenda for the meeting, using the procedures stated in the Votes of the Membership section of these bylaws.
  2. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least one week in advance of the meeting at which they will be considered for adoption.


Yearly Budget


Volunteer Budget committee

  1. Treasurer chairs the committee but is not required to run the meetings.
  2. Budget must be submitted to the membership by Nov 30th for comment and adjustment
  3. The first budget will be submitted with these bylaw amendments


The following conditions must me be met for the budget to be accepted or amended

  1. Membership approves the budget at January Election with a quorum vote
  2. There are 3 options up for a vote in January: The new committee budget, last year's budget, and No budget (Allowance Process and FAP).
  3. Budget can be amended or removed at any time with a quorum vote
  4. The Budget must contain the minimum number of members LVL1 must maintain for the budget to viable. If membership drops below this number for 3 consecutive months then the budget is voided and LVL1 operates with no budget.
  5. The Budget must contain minimum operating expenses.
    1. Rent
    2. Insurance - General liability, Commercial Property, and all other insurance as required by law or lease
    3. Utilities - Gas, Electric, Water, Sanitation, Internet
  6. The proposed budget must prioritize other insurance common sense dictates such as O&D and Renters


Any Officer may authorize for reimbursement or payment for an expense defined in the budget after the Treasurer verifies availability of the funds.

Emergency Fund

Funds from the Emergency Fund can be authorized to be spent with a majority vote of the Board of Directors for the following reasons:

  1. Deductibles for insurance.
  2. Major facility repairs that allow the facility to return or remain open.
  3. Loss of membership below operating minimums. Rent, Insurance, Utilities.
  4. Getting facility up to code to return or remain open.
  5. Legal services - defense.

Allowance Process

The Treasurer may approve reimbursements under $150 towards purchases that contribute to the maintenance, upkeep, supplies, repair, equipment needs or enhancement of LVL1. These reimbursements will be limited to the previous months available surplus or $600, whichever is smaller.

Operation Guidelines


  • The rules and consequences must be posted publicly in physical form and maintained on the wiki Rules_and_Consequences
  • The Officers and Directors may set uncontroversial rules or consequences in order to protect equipment, maintain the lease, and protect the existence of LVL1.
    • These rules or consequences must be submitted to the membership via the member mailing list for examination for a minimum of 7 days
    • if there are no unresolved objections, the rule or consequence can be instituted without a vote of the membership
  • If three members object to a rule or consequence already in effect within 7 days of each other
    • the officers and directors must submit the objection to the members mailing list for review
    • Will be submitted simple majority vote of the membership at the next weekly meeting that is more than 5 days away.
    • Proxy votes are accepted if they are received by the secretary before meeting start.
  • Consequences can be assigned to the infracting person or persons by majority vote of the Officers and Directors
    • if within 7 days if 3 or more members call for a review of an incident that has been judged on
      • the issue will be presented to the membership by the members mailing list by the Officers and Directors within 24 hours
      • following that notification a simple majority vote via the responding members to be concluded at the end of the following 24 hours.


  • Bylaws passed at LVL1 Meeting - December 22nd, 2009
  • Amendment passed to increase number of at-large Directors from 2 to 3 - January 19th, 2010
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Notice of Board Meetings - August 17th, 2010
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Regular Meetings - August 17th, 2010
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Board of Director's responsibilities - August 17th, 2010
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Membership Eligibility - August 17th, 2010
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Membership Eligibility age requirement - September 7th, 2010
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Directors Election - January 11th, 2011
  • Amendment passed to modify and extend language regarding accounting for projects, monthly reporting, and FAPs - May 24th, 2011
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Meeting Notification - May 24th, 2011
  • Amendment passed to add Inactive Membership clause - October 4th, 2011
  • Amendment passed to modify language of Membership Eligibility meeting requirements - November 29th, 2011
  • Amendment passed to modify and extend the Funds Allocation Petition - January 15th, 2013
  • Amendment passed to add Anti-Harassment Policy - May 6th, 2014
  • Amendment passed to add Voluntary Suspension of Voting Rights, change Voting and Meeting Procedures, reorder section 8 (Directors), and extend Treasurer report deadline - January 20th, 2015
  • Amendment passed to add Budget items - January 16, 2018
  • Amendment passed to add Removal from quorum count for inactivity - January 15, 2019
  • Amendment passed to modify language of voting, full, and provisional members and their rights, add Suspension for Cause, and add officer resignation on death or being incapacitated - January 21, 2020
  • Amendment passed to add rules and consequences to the operation of the space - January 18th, 2022
  • Amendment passed to change reimbursement allowance to $150 and reimbursement limit to $600. January 16, 2024
  • Amendment passed to allow the board to possibly raise dues this year, and that membership must be notified 30 days prior to such change taking place. January 16, 2024
  • Amendment passed to change language under "minimum operating expenses" regarding types of insurance which must be carried. January 16, 2024
  • Amendment passed to add membership-management responsibilities to vice president and meeting notification responsibilities to president. January 16, 2024

Proposed Amendments

Proposed Bylaws Amendments

Sample Bylaws