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First time Visitor Info
- If you park in our neighbors private lot, they will block you in for fun.
- Waivers of Liability - Please sign if you have not already
- Our website / calendar is http://www.lvl1.org
- Sign up for our Google Group discussion list
- You can find all of our Meeting Minutes at http://wiki.lvl1.org
Equipment and Supplies Wanted
- (Ron - Muddy Tech) Computers P4 or higher and LCD Monitors
- (John) 10hp (ballpark) Engine vertical shaft for hovercraft
- (Devin) original NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) connector
- (Michael D. [UofL Makership]) Projector with AV input
- (Divinity) Glass cutting tools
- (LVL1) 4" Reverse Chuck for wood lathe
Space Upgrades
Space Downgrades
- Interior Door Lever - sticks, needs to be fix ASAP.
- Fire Extinguisher - need to be recharged
- Wood Shop Drop Cord - needs to be replaced
- People are being jerks
- 2nd Floor Drip Buckets - DO NOT MOVE THE BUCKETS
- Nomadic SD Cards - Down to 1 from 5
- Messes left in the wood shop (Wood shavings, metal shavings and machine oil)
- Not communicating broken/reconfigured tools
- Email the list, put a sign on it!
- This is sub-excellent
Regular Meetups
- Sound Builders (fortnightly Mondays, next 3/4 8pm)
- LVL1 Open Meeting & Making every (Tuesday 8pm)
- Muddytech Computer training (upstairs Thurs 6pm) Looking for students
- Muddytech SIG every 3rd Wednesday
- Temporarily on Hiatus
- Game Dev Group (Sat 12pm)
- MakerEd Louisville (First Wed of the Month next 3/6 7pm)
- KYOSS Monthly Meeting (2nd Wed of the Month 2/13 6:30pm)
- Friday Irregular Movie and Open Build Night (Friday ~7pm)
- LVL 1 Committee and General Business (Last Saturday of the Month next 3/30 1pm)
- Guinness World Record (Last Saturday of the month next 3/30 2pm)
Upcoming Workshops and Events
- Arduino Journalism Hacking Workshop Feb 28th 6-8pm
- Somebody else is taking care of sign ups, talk to Chris C. for more info
- Divinity Offering workshop on marketing yourself
- Sunday March 2, 2013 2pm
- Start-Up Weekend Louisville (March 1-3)
- E-Expo March 2 9am-4pm http://engineering-expo.com/
- IEEE Student Section TV B Gone Workshop - March 7th
- Contact IEEE Student Section Pres. Nick Kitsos if you want to sign up: nckitsos@gmail.com
- 3D Printer Build-off 3/10
- Workshop signups are closed.
- LFPL "What's Next?" featuring Dale Dougherty (March 11th 7pm)
- DIY PCB Workshop, Saturday, March 16th, Noon-6pm
- http://lvl1diypcb2013.eventbrite.com/
- Only 7 seats left!
- LVL1 Members get a discount!
- KidTech Summit 3/23 12-4pm
- Oldham County Public Library
- http://www.oldhampl.org/index.html
- Conglomeration April 2nd
- Sci-fi convention in Louisville
- MOSSCON - Open Source Conference
- May 18-19th, U of L Student Center
5 Minute Maintenance and Cleaning
- List on the whiteboard
Project Roll Call
Post Meeting Notes
- Attendance: 60
- Meeting Start: 20:08
- Meeting Stop: 20:51
- Tour Guide: Jose
- Equipment and Supplies Wanted
- An expanded explanation of the 4" reverse chuck is needed
- Space Downgrades
- Empty Extinguishers will be marked to prevent use
- Event organizers are responsible for cleaning up after an event. The space should be returned to a state that is equal to or better than the state before the event.
- Regular Meetups
- Soundbuilders are hacking NES sound chips
- First time Visitor Info Time: Not available
- Equipment and Supplies Wanted Time: Not available
- Space Upgrades Time: Not available
- Space Downgrades Time: Not available
- Regular Meetups Time: 6 minutes
- Upcoming Workshops and Events Time: 7 minutes
- 5 Minute Maintenance and Cleaning Time: 1.5 minutes
- Project Roll Call Time: 10 minutes
- End of Meeting Remarks Time: 2.5 minutes