O&D Meeting 04/19/2022
Space Improvements
- Andy will reach out to Patrick about his large member storage plan since it just passed.
- The boneyard clean out is complete.
- There is a month-long open dialogue that will take place on the member's list for the reconfiguration of the boneyard. Post your ideas for viable uses. At the end of that period, we will compile suggestions, determine the next use for the boneyard space, and put an action plan in place to make it happen.
- Opening Floor and Forming the committee
New Business
- Shopbot parts and furnace filters came in and installed
- Quickbook update – our version will soon be non-supported. Andy and Tiffany will upgrade to latest version. Approx. $40.
- Amy's Tea Party happened
- Membership sign-ups -our member count is up to 77.
- Update
- Letter to Kenneth Butler, drafted by Raj with advice from an attorney, will be sent tomorrow. The full text of the letter is below and posted on the LVL1 Directors shared drive. Bottom line: Butler will have 30 days to remove his property. If not removed, we will dispose of his property at our discretion, with removal and remediation at his cost.
- Discussion around having law enforcement present when Butler removes property. Bill Schwab will arrange if necessary.
- Should Butler enter the space other than under supervision to retrieve his property, members are advised not to engage. Walk away and call 911. Make sure any interaction is within camera range.
- Andy – would like to do a mini-hackathon to get members back engaged with the space. Asks us to think about it.
- Tim – started discussion about doing a real hackathon soon. Possibly Useless Thing or Pandemic hackathon. Tim will talk to Patrick and Charles about firming up a topic and date.
- Michael – looking for better ewaste resource. Andy: great, that but should be a one-off effort – we need to get out of having to deal with ewaste and ‘donations’ at all.