O&D Meeting 03/15/2022
O&D Meeting 04/19/2022
Meeting called to order by Andy @ 9:__ PM
- Approve March Minutes
- Opening statement
Board in Attendance
President - Andy Miller Vice President-Tim Miller Secretary-Ann McWilliams Treasurer-Tiffany Haynie Director-at-large - Bill "Lockadoc" Schwab Director-at-large - Raj Shah Director-at-large - Charles "The Hat" Lehman
Members in Attendance
Treasurers Report
Current member count is __. February Financial snapshot presented:
Income Dues - Pike 13 $ 3,150.00 Dues - PayPal 350.00 Total for Feb - $ 3,500.00
CC Processing $ 127.18
Insurance 138.85
Amazon 53.99
Zoom 31.78
LG&E 417.95
Other 455.00 (dumpster for March purge)
Rent 1,500.00
Pike13 149.00
Bank Fee 2.95
Flickr 6.99
PayPal 10.43
Expenses Total $ 2,894.12
Republic Balance $ 49,882.11
PayPal Balance $ 705.16
Makership $ 2,645.00 (included in Republic balance above)
Hat Grant $ 140.41 (included in Republic balance above)
Emergency fund $ 9,198.12 (not included in Republic balance above)
Unfinished Business
- Letter to Kenneth (explanation by Raj)
Equipment Repairs and report
- Shopbot is fixed - Jeff McCord
- Laser refocused - Jeff McCord
Finished Business
- Andy contacted Wesbanco insurance; alcoholic-beverages rider obtained free of charge; letter from insurance company has been received.
Space Improvements
- Andy will reach out to Patrick about his large member storage plan since it just passed, (complete)
- There is a month-long open dialogue that will take place on the member's list for the reconfiguration of the boneyard. At that time we will compile and decide on how to complete the tasks.
New Business
- Receive and discuss potential layouts for the boneyard/large-member-storage areas
- Amy's Tea Party - happened tonight
- Membership sign-up
Review of events and happenings
Meeting was adjourned at _:__ PM.