Pseudo-Medical Monitor Code ControlPanel STUFF
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#define ControlPanel_INT_PIN 2 #define ControlPanel_I2C_ADDR 0x38 class Dual_Encoder_Class { private: static volatile uint8_t pcf_switch_status; static volatile uint8_t pcf_present_value; static volatile int pcf_encoder_1; static volatile int pcf_encoder_2; static volatile bool pcf_bypass_flag; static PCF pcf_device; int i2c_address; static void embedded_check() { if (pcf_bypass_flag) return; uint8_t encoder_1 = 0, encoder_2 = 0; pcf_present_value =; encoder_1 = pcf_present_value & 0b00000011; encoder_2 = pcf_present_value & 0b00001100; encoder_2 = encoder_2 >> 2; encoder_1 = encoder_1 | ((pcf_previous_value & 0b00000011) << 2); encoder_2 = encoder_2 | (pcf_previous_value & 0b00001100); pcf_encoder_1 = 0; switch (encoder_1) { case 0b0001: // fall through.. case 0b0111: case 0b1110: case 0b1000: pcf_encoder_1 = -1; break; case 0b0010: case 0b0100: case 0b1101: case 0b1011: pcf_encoder_1 = 1; break; } pcf_encoder_2 = 0; switch (encoder_2) { case 0b0001: // fall through.. case 0b0111: case 0b1110: case 0b1000: pcf_encoder_2 = -1; break; case 0b0010: case 0b0100: case 0b1101: case 0b1011: pcf_encoder_2 = 1; break; } pcf_switch_status = 0; pcf_switch_status = pcf_present_value & 0b00110000; pcf_switch_status = (pcf_switch_status ^ 0b00110000) >> 4; pcf_previous_value = pcf_present_value; pcf_event = true; } public: static volatile bool pcf_event; static volatile uint8_t pcf_previous_value; int encoder_A_Dir(void) { int return_value = pcf_encoder_1; pcf_encoder_1 = 0; return(return_value); } int encoder_B_Dir(void) { int return_value = pcf_encoder_2; pcf_encoder_2 = 0; return(return_value); } bool encoder_A_Switch(void) { bool return_value = pcf_switch_status & 0b01; pcf_switch_status = pcf_switch_status & 0b10; return(return_value); } bool encoder_B_Switch(void) { bool return_value = (pcf_switch_status & 0b10) >> 1; pcf_switch_status = pcf_switch_status & 0b01; return(return_value); } void begin(int i2cAddr) { pcf_device.setup(i2cAddr); i2c_address = i2cAddr; pinMode(ControlPanel_INT_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ControlPanel_INT_PIN), embedded_check, FALLING); reset_All(); } void reset_All() { pcf_device.write(0b11111111); // Turns all port HIGH pcf_encoder_1 = 0; pcf_encoder_2 = 0; pcf_switch_status = 0; pcf_event = false; pcf_bypass_flag = false; Serial.println("Hit"); } static void LED_Off(int led_number) { uint8_t data_bin = pcf_previous_value; pcf_bypass_flag = true; switch(led_number) { case 1: data_bin = data_bin | 0b10000000; pcf_previous_value = data_bin; data_bin = data_bin | 0b00111111; pcf_device.write(data_bin); break; case 2: data_bin = data_bin | 0b01000000; pcf_previous_value = data_bin; data_bin = data_bin | 0b00111111; pcf_device.write(data_bin); break; } pcf_bypass_flag = false; } static void LED_On(int led_number) { uint8_t data_bin = pcf_previous_value; pcf_bypass_flag = true; switch(led_number) { case 1: data_bin = data_bin & 0b01111111; pcf_previous_value = data_bin; data_bin = data_bin | 0b00111111; pcf_device.write(data_bin); break; case 2: data_bin = data_bin & 0b10111111; pcf_previous_value = data_bin; data_bin = data_bin | 0b00111111; pcf_device.write(data_bin); break; } pcf_bypass_flag = false; } }; volatile uint8_t Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_switch_status; volatile uint8_t Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_previous_value; volatile uint8_t Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_present_value; volatile int Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_encoder_1; volatile int Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_encoder_2; volatile bool Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_event; volatile bool Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_bypass_flag; PCF Dual_Encoder_Class::pcf_device; Dual_Encoder_Class Controls; bool setup_ControlPanel() { Controls.begin(ControlPanel_I2C_ADDR); return(true); }