O/D Meeting 8/16/2016
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- Call to Order
- Present:
- Danielle
- Charles
- Tyler
- Nathan
- Daniel
- Ben
- James
- José
- Craig
- Andy
- Cody
- Raj
- Present:
- Urgent Business
- Business as Usual:
- Financial Report
- $36,802.77 in the bank
- $22,500 is restricted assets
- Workshop money that hasn't been paid out/released by teacher into
- Reserves to cover rent if it's dry.
- $13,600 Grant money
- allocated by a grant to specific things.
- $14,000 Liquid unrestricted assets (for FAPs and stuff)
- $22,500 is restricted assets
- (Thanks Tyler!)
- $36,802.77 in the bank
- Membership Generation/Retention
- 66 members currently.
- Gained 3 this month.
- 1 missed payment.
- 66 members currently.
- Equipment Report
- Broken report
- The lasers' regular maintenance is not being done.
- The 3D printer has a hot-glue fiasco..
- Air conditioning in Bunker?
- Shapeoko is still down.
- There are problems maintaining things.
- Danielle will message membership calling for member-ownership of regular maintenance.
- space upgrades/downgrades assessment
- The door indicator system is functional now.
- Broken report
- Education/Programming/Workshops/Outreach Report
- Charles, Ben, Nathan, and Daniel have all stepped up to do workshops.
- Especial thanks for Pascalle for stepping up for workshops.
- Happening Report/Special Events
- LMMF is coming up.
- FirstBuild Hackathon
- Derby Con
- Financial Report
- Business FTW:
- Special Upgrade Report: Metal Shop (James: needs, progress, continuation)
- The Landlords will need to be talked to about the gutter/drainage problem.
- Danielle will email for a call to interest group about the metal shop.
- Daniel will get with Jim about buying things for the metal shop.
- Danielle will start a conversation with the landlords about electrical and drainage.
- Special Fund-raising Report: Community Foundation (progress, point of contact, needs)
- Application has been sent.
- 7800 for electrical
- new projector
- new tables (and workshops)
- new classroom computer.
- upgraded lighting
- 2 3D printers
- $3000 for arduino kits and electronics work stuff.
- Special Outreach Report: Maker-Faire Detroit (Danielle: Lessons learned, connections made, thoughts for future)
- We did have some successful outreach to people from surrounding areas.
- Special Outreach Report: Louisville Mini Maker-Faire (Danielle: Early plans, anticipated involvement, word from organizers)
- Looking to hold a particular good kind of presence at makerfaire.
- How do we sell our space and also look flashy?
- Danielle will contact Jessie about offsite insurance.
- "WTF, LVL1?" -- Attendees bring up misc things they think should be addressed.
- Nathan is looking for input on bylaw change for grant writing.
- Special Upgrade Report: Metal Shop (James: needs, progress, continuation)
- Adjournment
- Meeting Start: 9:00 PM
- Meeting Stop: 10:44 PM