O/D Meeting 4/26/2016
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- Officers and Directors present
- Danielle
- Nathan
- Jared
- Tyler ABSENT; connected in digitally.
- Daniel
- Raj
- Charles
- Others present
- Jose
- Arduino workshop
- 11 people showed up on 1 week notice
- 100 learn a things
- 60 posted open hours
- 1 more laser cutter working
- laser training recently
- not as many people as we’d liked?
- LVL1 is doing more and ought to do even more workshops in the near future.
- Jared still needs to make a for-the-teacher cheat-sheet of things we want to know about workshops.
- Charles suggested that one ought to advertise for upcoming workshops during their workshop.
- Upcoming workshops:
- nathan’s arduino workshop
- how to workshop workshop (who?)
- rpi workshops (who?)
- ctf workshop
- CNC workshops coming up
- Welding workshops coming up
Old Business
- Makerships
- Makerships are on an upswing now?
- Tyler will send out confirmation email to makership recipients.
- Makership mentors need to be more transparent and present.
- Danielle needs to follow up with Chris.
- Member Generation & Retention
- New member orientation
- the First Tuesday of every month will be new member orientation, 1 hour before the meeting.
- Updated the membership form with more details about rules.
- Wiki page reflects the new form, but does not yet reflect streamlined payment process.
- Attention needs to be given to ensuring member storage is only being used by member.
- Nathan will contact members about their shelves
- If membership keeps increasing we may need more member shelves soon.
- Large member storage is also problematic, but it's a separate problem.
- New member orientation
- HVAC install starts next week
- Some member shelves need to be moved.
- Tyler is taking care of this
- Some member shelves need to be moved.
- Money
- LVL1 tax exempt form complete
- maybe a new document for governing day-to-day operations
- Danielle is doing this.
- Grants
- SBA grant still has $24993 to be spent on HVAC, and other things.
- LVL1 tax exempt form complete
- get a cover-ass note from landlords about the HVAC.
- tyler and dainelle will talk to the about this and get a note to the landlords.
- get a cover-ass note from landlords about the HVAC.
- Space Cleanliness
- lost and found has been happening, and seems to be working.
- paint on the ground where trash cans go
- Danielle will do this.
- cave troll meme to guilt people into being excellent.
- Danielle will do this also.
- scrap sorting, linguistic choice of omitting the word scrap may help pieces get organized properly
- Charles' Gold Stars are a big hit
- They need documentation, who was awarded it, when, why, etc.
- Jared made a page, hasn't been updating it, (sorry.)
- Charles ordered more and they're coming on the slow boat.
- Facilities Maintenance
- By and large things are fixed when they are broken. (Thanks Nathan)
- Laser Cutter
- Regular maintenance of outtake tube and fans etc. Nathan added this to the cleaning log.
- Vent Pipe was installed.
- Broken Buttons
- There are 7 of them up and running, ready to be installed in the space.
- when?
- There are 7 of them up and running, ready to be installed in the space.
- we need to insulate the metal shop
- Jared will get with interested parties about making this happen.
- Space security has been an issue, people leaving doors unlocked and leaving, etc.
- Tyler and Cave Troll are working on an indicator panel that will let all know of the open/closed status of all exterior doors in the space.
- Cameras are almost done, thanks Bill
- Danielle is contacting the landlords about the parking lot camera.
- There are two new work benches for rpi and shapemoko
- Programming:
- long-term projects are in the works:
- power wheels - for detroit MF
- How-to Festival with LFPL - weekend after derby.
- Jared is in contact with Hannah from the library.
- maker faire detroit - when?
- maker faire louisville - in the fall, early september.
- collaborations with neighboring hackerspaces
- hive 13?
- Prishina Hackerspace Cosovo?
- long-term projects are in the works:
New Business
- Woodshop/Metalshop Upgrades
- Woodshop is happening faster than the Metalshop
- Progress is happening in both fronts.
- Woodshop is happening faster than the Metalshop
- How do we take out recycling? do we teach members how to do it?
- recycling goes in the dumpster and trash goes in the cans, both live out back.
- lge last month $642 way better than $1800 from last time.
- tyler has a debit card now.
- landlord needs to take care of room number labeling.
- who is doing this?
Meeting Start: 9:07 PM Meeting Stop: 10:14 PM Notes Taken by: Jared