O/D Meeting 12/17/2019

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Finance and member report

Workshops and events

  • White Elephant Hackathon - Charles
  • Holiday Party - Andy
  • Elections (January 20)

Space and equipment

  • Window covering

Still to do

  • 2020 budget
  • Bylaw Changes

Round Table


Board meeting minutes: December 17, 2019

present: Charles, Danielle, Jim, Andy, Virgil, Tiffany, Jose, Josh, Michael

Jim: First page, P&L. Ended up with $776.10 to the good. As expected, last month, a bunch of the dues didn't come in until December. They are counted in December when they hit, and that's a little misleading. We're to the good for the year, $4,815. Expect that not to be true after the FAP for the toolbox. The fap was for $1,150, spent less than that. When the fap passes, that's when it hits, so it's in December thankfully, not November.

Emergency money. We earned a little interest. Paypal, transferred out some so it's not too high in there. Bottom line total is including whatever grants and makership is included in the bottom line, so it's not reflective of just the general fund.

Second page, expenses. Utilities, closed out the year, current utility bill pays next month, it's 110 (150?) less than last year. We'll budget more for utilities this year, so it's less scary looking than last year. Hopefully we won't get a $1,600 utility bill for march.

I broke out more into subscriptions again, after finding out we have Amazon Prime that I didn't know about, and it expired. It's over $119, so do I have to do a fap for that? Let's get it in the 2020 budget so it doesn't have to be fapped for. It expired on 11/27, and couldn't find out info about getting a break cuz it's a nonprofit.

Whereupon a discussion is held about how to handle the Amazon Prime expense.

Jim: I'll try to keep up with this, if I know what all the subscriptions are that we have to take care of. This sub line constantly needs adjusted.

Other bills, I reorganized that a little bit. Pike13, credit card charges -- (I missed the rest of this sentence). Then, the last page tallies everything. Republic bank, dues, got a payment of $78 from the Amazon smile account.

Raj enters the meeting. Steff enters the meeting.

Jim: We can see that the sum at the top is a little less. Virgil: How many people are still paying their dues on paypal? Jim: Nine.

Jim: We've got investments, the emergency money. Our investments are earning a little bit of money, down there at the bottom. I took investments out of money market, put them into CDs, earns us some interest payment.

At the bottom is recurring expenses. And we have the two recent faps, the electrical upgrade and the toolbox fap. I have to adjust the bunker fap: Ned returned a bunch of things and got money back for that, a couple hundred bucks, I haven't counted it yet. We'll adjust the electrical fap down by that amount. Anything about the electrician bill? Raj (or Andy?): The landlord hasn't contacted us yet about the bill for the electrician.

Jim: The toolbox will come out in December. In January, we'll start out in the black. The next LG&E utility bill comes out in January.

Charles: Do you know how many members we have? Jim: 91. Andy: We lost one.

Jim: That's it for finance.

Workshops and Events Charles: White Elephant hackathon and holiday party are this weekend. Danielle: party is not on the calendar. Andy: Yes, it is. Discussion about party not being on the calendar. Andy will add the holiday party to the calendar.

Josh leaves the meeting, Cody enters the meeting (didn't stay for long).

Jim: The 200 budget goes where? Andy and Charles will discuss it. Should 100 go to each? We'll just assume the entire 200 will get spent.

A discussion is had about booze for the party :-)

Charles: Both events are happening this weekend. We don't have an event planned for January. There's nothing going on yet, so if we want to do something, that's still open. Any other workshops and events anyone wants to talk about? (No takers.)

Jim: Haven't had any emails about budget issues, so I think it's good to go.

Charles: Start thinking about workshops and events, putting stuff together. Anyone have anything on that? Danielle: Cosplay wants to have monthly meetings. We need to get cosplay on the agenda. Consistency is key to raising attendance. Find out from Randy if they'd like to be scheduled on every n'th Wednesday of the month. Tiffany knows they'd like to have a space here. Danielle says let's do what we can to help them get some regularity here to generate more interest and increase attendance at their events. Tiffany mentions that Randy had a lot on his plate at the intro class, with his girlfriend being in the hospital and other things going on.

Space and Equipment Window covering: Jim: We have the prototype almost finished. The pieces taped together on the sewing table will be the final cover. The plans are to go around the large room, covering windows. We'll have Virgil pick up more insulated foam board. In the back, we won't have to do as much. The Tasmans said we have to have curtains up to make it look nice from the outside. We've got a curtain on the front one. How much fabric is left? Tiffany: We have enough fabric to make curtains for at least two more, maybe three more windows. Jim: So, it's in progress. Tiffany: Each window takes 1-1/4 to 1-1/3 sheet of insulating board, and we need more 12' 2x4s. Jim: We can use the thin insulation for this, not the thick stuff. Tiffany: That fabulous red tape Jim got seems to be sticking well and not coming unstuck, keeping the insulating board up and keeping the draft out of the sewing area. I'll get with Ned about an LED sign for inside that front window. Jim: We have 90 members instead of 70, so that helps with things. Jose: Put them all in the main room, makes more heat. Charles: "Unattended minors will be used as a heat source." Jim: Perhaps we could use the thick insulation to heat the ceilings. Sure the neighbors appreciate receiving out heat in the winter. We're open to suggestions as to the next step on saving money on the heat and air bills.

Danielle: Member storage. Do we have enough storage for all 90 members? Everyone: Probably not. Danielle: We are going to have to expand our shelving pretty soon. Can anybody see a plan for this? Charles: We do have the physical space for more rows of shelves for members. We do have more space for that. Tiffany: Some of the rows don't go all the way to the yellow-and-black tape, so there's more room for storage there, too. Virgil: We could possibly drag around some of the boneyard shelves to the front of a couple of the rows of shelves and create more member storage.

Andy: The boneyard cleanout, e-cycle came again, and we got rid of a bunch of junk off shelves. Several shelves in the boneyard are now empty. Jose: Do you think we have about 20 shelves' worth? Andy: I think so, yes. I think we can make do with what we have, at least temporarily. Fix up and use what we have. Virgil: Can we find a time to get together and move those shelves from boneyard to member storage? Charles: Is that something you'll do? Danielle: How long will it take to do? Andy: Let's do it after the first of the year. It won't take us very long to do. We should be okay for the next couple weeks. Tiffany: Cody might be a good candidate for this, too.

Andy: Large member storage is something we need to address. If we do a good purge in the spring, we should accomplish what we need to have done. We'll want to periodically check to make sure member storage isn't piling up again.

Virgil: In the list, we were talking about, the air conditioners and the heaters, maintenance and servicing. Andy: We have to use the Tasmans for that. Every time it breaks, they have someone come and fix it. I can email them - you want a maintenance for the heaters? Let me know what you want, and I'll email them. They have a company that comes in and does that. They're really good.

Tiffany: Do we have a filter-changing schedule? Do we have a person who does that? Raj: I do that when I remember it. Sometimes it goes two or three months. Every time I change them, they're beyond the time for changing. It's not sealed, and often those plates fall off, which creates tremendous inefficiency for the blower, which could make the blower go bad. Jim: Do we have filters? Virgil: Yes. They're two different sizes, and I'm pretty sure we have both. Raj: Last time I looked, we had both.

Virgil: Another thing, a maintenance schedule for heavy equipment would be a good idea; something that is scheduled, standardized. Go through and list, like, for example, table saw, things that are done daily, weekly, monthly, every 6 months. In the military, they have a pouch with forms in them, so you can pull the documents out and see when the last maintenance was done on that piece of equipment, and initials for who did it. Tracking system, something as simple as daily, weekly, monthly, all that can be tracked in the wiki. Then you can go into the wiki and say, I did thus-and-such on this date. Steff: I can spearhead taking care of that, and documenting it on the wiki.

Tiffany: I have an idea of a Space Improvement Day. Steff: I can spearhead this, and I'll make food for the event, too. Jose: So David is broken and you're improvement? (Don't remember who): Let's create an email for Steff, upgrades@lvl1.org. We need to add that to the meeting notes. Andy: I'll do that right now.

Virgil: The Christopher Cprek stuff, the domain, the wiki, the paying for the lvl1.org, all of that is on him, through him, via him. If anything happened to him, we'd have to prove that it's ours and that might be difficult. He pays for it all, and we appreciate that, but it should be under our control. We had the scare earlier this year of losing the member storage hard drive. People were up-in-arms about, "Oh, all my files are on that drive!" If we lost our website, there's no copy of it anywhere. Jose: Are you talking about hosting of the website? Raj: Hosting and ownership, yes. If somebody wants to spearhead taking over ownership of all that stuff, they can do that. Virgil: I can take all this on, I've done this kind of stuff before, it's been my job to take care of exactly this in the past. I can talk to Chris Cprek and find out domains, passwords, email address, all of these things, and find out about hosting, and see if any of that is something that should be added to the budget as well.

Charles: Anything else?

Michael: One other thing is the other 3d printer, the one I've been messing with, it's just recently starting to have a problem with the y-axis, the center goes out, it needs to be unplugged to get it to work. Since 3d printers are already over budget for this year, we're going to have to order a new motherboard for this printer next year. Since I was responsible for Andy's screen and it's missing, I'll have to buy a new screen for it. Jose: Is that area too cluttered, the 3D printer table? Andy: It's fine. Jose: Just wondering if the table is too cluttered. Andy: We could turn one printer to face another way, but it's fine.

Still to do

Charles: Have we gotten any feedback on the budget? Jim: I've gotten nothing. Charles: Are we supposed to have a follow-up meeting on that? Jim: Yes, but I think I missed the date on that. Jose: When is the end of comment on the budget? Virgil: At the vote. Charles: Has to be by the 14th, because that's when the voting starts. Jim: We can set one, if you want to. Charles: Okay. There are no comments, so it'll be pretty short. Charles: First week or two of Jan, because we want to give people time to come up with comments. Jim: We never did get a definitive idea about the 3d printers. Andy: What did you want to budget? Jim: Small things versus -- Andy: Boards are generally $100. Ramps are 50. Virgil: Didn't we decide, if they break, we'll fap for it? Even the consumables, if they get low, we'll fap for it. Andy: People have gouged the beds, but not lately. I think we've finally got it to the point where we're not replacing stuff every other day anymore. Tiffany: Shouldn't there be two line items for 3D printers? One line for printers and equipment and one line for filament? Andy: No, filament comes out of the can. That is a slush fund for replacing filament. Jose: If we have to replenish those, we do a fap for filament. Jim: I've been adding the can money to the budget. Andy: Okay, well, next year, we'll do what's in the can is for filament only. Jim: Sounds good. Andy: It's the same thing with the vinyl, the money in the can is supposed to be used to buy new vinyl. (Can't remember who): We just received that vinyl donation from Randy Smith from his work. Tiffany: And that's not all of it; I believe there will be another vinyl donation coming.

Charles: Okay. Bylaw changes. When elections come up is the time to put forth bylaw changes. There was a discussion about changing language relative to when a director or officer leaves, per what happened to Tim. Danielle: Vice president and member storage. I'm working on the change for that. Charles: Also the language around elections and quorum. Jose: Has anyone come forward with language for those changes? Charles: No, and anyone who wants to can come forth with those changes. Jose: If it's in the budget and the budget passes, then that's the rule. If it's outside of the budget, then it's a fap. Charles: One of the things we talked about was when a budget is no longer valid, that's not really clear.

(Confusing and quick discussion about the budget bylaw.)

Charles: Clarifying the language relative to the budget is a possible good update. If certain expenses exceed, then what to do about that. If rent or insurance or utilities blow out of proportion, then there needs to be a provision for that to protect the rest of the budget.

Tiffany: I have an idea for a bylaw change. I think the usage of the word Board is confusing. Officers refers to the four officer positions; Board of Directors refers to the three Director at Large positions. I suggest Leadership to refer to all seven members. Raj: Well, Board is the word that refers to all seven members. Officers and Directors are used very specifically in the bylaws, and Board is the word that is used to refer to all seven members.

Jim: The budget, as it stands, the budget was good for 80% (78%) of the dues of 70 people, and based on 90 people, it's at 80% again.

Round table Charles: Anything for the round table, other than Star Trek versus Star Wars? Andy mentions that it's been a great run and thanks everyone for everything that's been done and improvements that have been made across the past three years.

Andy: I emailed Barrett Tasman and asked about maintenance for the heaters. I created the email address for upgrades@. We'll have four email addresses now. I added that to the regular meeting agenda.

Danielle: One more thing for the round table. Who wants to take a survey? You know that organization of makers? They have a "make the data" survey of makerspaces. Jose: Oh, I'll fill that out. Danielle: This is a three-fold thing. There are three levels to it. The membership survey can be taken by any members, anyone who uses the space. The leadership survey should be taken by several of the leadership of the space. Then, an economy survey should be taken by one leader. Talk to Brian Wagner about the economy one, as it has a lot of questions about our first year of operation. It ends December 31st, so we should get it done as soon as possible.

Charles: Is that is for the survey? Danielle: I'll send it to everybody. Is there anything else for round table? Discussion about benevony volunteership being a moot point now, as the date has passed.

Andy: And no more faps until after the election.

Meeting adjourned 10:39