O/D Meeting 1/20/2015
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- Officers and Directors present
- Danielle, Ben, Daniel, Nathan, Patrick, Sean, & Jose
- Members present
- Pat M., Charles L., Raj, Robert, Brad
Old Business
- Community Foundation Grant Fund Usage
- All money spent.
- Need to ensure insurance papers are updated with new officers and directors
- Spent money on lawyer & retainer to answer questions on hiring part time employees
- Old waiver is not worth much legally. A new waiver was generated by law firm. Follow up: does everyone need to resign?
- Risk of employment practices & policies can be covered by officers & directors insurance. Individual liability minimal, unlikely.
- Independent contractor does not really fit the prototypical LVL1 employee.
- Can LVL1 adhere employee to LVL1 membership bylaws? Answer: yes, but recommend a separate list of policies that can be identical.
- Legal signage & training requirements: hire payroll/HR firm to take on risk. May be relatively cheap.
- OSHA: Free consultation services provided by state of Kentucky
- Differences between non-profit vs for-profit while hiring employee? No unless you're hiring a highly compensated CEO
- Grant funding employee: Hire at will basis, lack of funding a valid reason for firing, notify employee their role depends on grant, let go employee ahead of money short fall
- Impact on 501C3? Not really
- Follow up: What steps can we mitigate liability of injury? E-signature vs ink? Maintenance, safety training & practices, record how you keep your shop safe. E-signature just as good as ink, but user can claim they were hacked, etc.
- Follow up: Kiosk vs paper?
- More follow up questions for lawyers:
- Safety officer position mitigate risk further?
- Safety videos / framework for risk?
- Laser carbon purchased. Good for a year on laser carbon.
- Milling upgrades incoming.
- AC duct work to be installed in spring
- Next cycle? August.
- Community Foundation Day of Giving (May). Organized by another organization above Community Foundation.
- Brad will upload 2013 application for template.
- Brad will continue to write grants for LVL1 as he finds them.
- Sean has been looking for additional sources of funds for tools
- Brad has a report to write.
- Makership
- Not much changed from last 2 month period.
- Program made more efficient.
- What can we do to help with timeliness?
- Nag Ben.
- List of winners on the wiki? Would be good to have a list of their projects.
- Written project feedback was not formally required. May need to amend this?
- Need to have them update the wiki, write a blog post, etc.
- Jose will start documenting the makerships on the wiki.
- Makership bucket: infinite re-up from benefactor.
- Workshops
- If a free workshop given, have people pledge to give to Day of Giving.
- Need to maintain current level.
- List of workshops on the wiki.
- Tele-workshop/remote education.
- learn@lvl1.org setup if you want to learn something
- LVL1 Membership Application Processing
- Nahtan will upload membership documentation process
- Digital Waivers
- Discussed
New Business
- Director Meeting Details
- Meet every other month still
- Make goals to move toward
- Need a one week notification
- Taxes for 2014
- Difficult because LVL1 received grant money, donations, exceeded 990 postcard limit; 990EZ territory
- LVL1 ahead of curve in treasury detail, behind the curve in consequences/accountability
- Consequence could be forced resignation
- Action item for Danielle: Update officers of organization on secretary of state filing
- Voting System
- Seems open to voting system based on web, not email
- Probably needs a bylaw change
- Other hackerspaces have systems developed and published solutions
- Whenever votes are done on bylaw changes & FAPs, results are recorded in meeting minutes; start recording in minutes
- Bylaw change for proxy cut off: no real reason for 24 hour deadline, but can be changed
- Need more business cards & stickers
- Difficult to find entrance hinders business card development
- Danielle's Piece
- Feb 11: Give & Glow Day, KSC members coming down. Need chores
- Woodshop optimization
- Lighting in welding area
- Engineering week: Last week of February 26-28th
- Calling on ConMen to establish presence
- Feb 11: Give & Glow Day, KSC members coming down. Need chores
- Need to engage newer members with other members
- Years ago, small group worked out well, but now we have a large group and they need to be engaged
- Ben Hibben takes a picture of the new officers & directors