O/D Meeting 03/21/2017
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- Finance and member report
- Communications
- Social Media
- stickers, b-cards, p-cards
- Broken
- David has a couple of ideas to present to the BOD
- Workshops
- Daniel, Terry
- Future workshops
- metrics
- Bylaws - Bylaw passed 37 yays 0 nay
- Grants
- Gender
- wiki updated?
- Space
- We need to take a look at the set up off the network - set a meeting with Aaron or Chris C.
- Electrical-Speak to the landlord
- waiting on call from electrician
- I have a plan. 2 circuits, 1 for classroom, 1 for main room
- Thermostat
- Windows-do we need more plastic?
- Dirt and dust - Discuss how to go about sealing the floors - Weekend of mar 31-apr 2
- Occulus-we need to pay for the service. Status?
- Discuss the insurance O & D paid for
- Other
- Cease and Desist - Maker Group Washington DC
- Hard Drive issue - resolved
- Applied for Leadership Louisville - no status
- Open house hackathon and party??? April 29 for Derby