O&D Meeting 6/15/2021
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- Steffanie Maher, Madeline Stevens, Jim Kidwell, Danielle Blank, Andy Miller, Paul Strasser, Raj Shah
- none
- Mike Hammons, Gary Flispart, Jose Cabreras, Charles Lehman, Sandy Hale, Joseph Dukes
- Meeting called to order by Steff at 9 PM
Treasurers Report
- current treasurer report
- Space Report
- Supply report
- Current state of the space - Dirty! In the general sense; needs some serious clean-up.
Unfinished Business
New CDC guidelines masks
- Previous Status
- discussion was had about member concerns regarding new CDC mask guidelines and our policy - 5/18/21
- changes to current rule were decided on and will be proposed to membership - 5/18/21
- Update*
- with new opening restrictions lifted, members have expressed desire to return to mission of providing an open space for the community
- BOARD VOTE to remove all COVID-19 restrictions: 6-for, 0-against, 1-abstaining
- board will encourage membership to follow current CDC guidelines as a part of being excellent to each other (there will be no board enforcement)
- for this reason, we will still provide masks and sanitizer
- goal is to have an in-person Tuesday night meeting next week; emails to membership will be sent out ASAP
- space needs lots of clean-up; Steff and Andy will try to organize a clean-up day this Sunday
Adding New Members
- Previous Status
- Steff agreed to send out email to members to get their opinions - - 2/16/2021
- based on positive member feedback; board voted unanimously to take it upon ourselves to help streamline the membership process - 3/16/2021
- discussed suggested process: - 3/16/2021
- electronically accepted form--maybe PDF signatures - 3/16/2021
- submit photo of ID, but also photo of them holding the ID (must delete immediately afterward) - 3/16/2021
- contact member sponsors to verify support - 3/16/2021
- will solidify process later
- Daniel Volunteered to help get the process streamlined and online. - 3/16/2021
- Daniel suggested having two directors agree to be in a very short Zoom meeting/breakout room to verify the IDs of prospective members - 4/20/21
- Per the bylaws, membership requires a signature--it can be an e-signature, but it has to be a signature, not an email - 4/20/21
- Steff volunteered to turn membership form into an online Adobe form that can be signed electronically - 4/20/21
- Raj located KY law that states an emailed signature ("s/Firstname Lastname" formatting) can be used as a signature -4/20/21
- Signature emails need to be saved/kept track of - 4/20/21
- Secretary has to verify membership form, cannot be another board member - 4/20/21
- Danielle will attempt to start streamlining the process with Andy's assistance - 5/18/21
- Update
- Andy has worked hard to acquire all the files & confirmations needed for online memberships; he has already processed 10 new members
- there will be a board member present on Tuesday nights to assist in the membership process
New Financial Software
- Previous Status
- Steff to present possible options - - 2/16/2021
- options were presented and there will be a meeting at a later time to discuss ideal software - 3/16/2021
- Steff feels it would be preferable to learn how to use Pike13 for what we need rather than to switch over to another system right now, no disagreement - 4/20/21
- Steff intends to set up Pike13 training - 4/20/21
- Daniel has offered assistance, as Steff intends to table plans for now to avoid burnout - 5/18/21
- Update
- Steff intends to arrange a Pike13 training sometime in mid-July
Lvl1 Board Email
- Previous Status
- new emails and lists being set up through our Google nonprofit - 3/16/2021
- Secretary@lvl1.org and Treasurer@lvl1.org go to the new email addresses now, will not be automatically forwarded anymore like they used to be - 4/20/21
- each @lvl1.org email is a Google group, emails and other data will be stored and searchable - 4/20/21
- everyone has had success with this process, but only board members have logged in so far - 5/18/21
- concern that there was hangup with general member rollout; Steff will send email to members in an effort to clarify process -5/18/21
- Update
- more emails are coming in, the updated rollout seems to be working so far
- resolved
Parking Lot cars being towed
- Previous Status
- Steff will introduce herself to the landlord and have conversation, as this issue has been (and will be) a longtime concern of the membership - 5/18/21
- Update
- landlords not returning calls, Steff will keep trying to contact them
Anthem Giving
- Previous Status
- Sean M. got LVL1 listed on the Anthem corporate donation site; Steff will confirm with our organization's info so we can register for fundraising opportunities - 5/18/21
- Benevity is the database used--Sean pointed out that a number of corporations also use this database, so it is beneficial for us to be registered -5/18/21
- Update
- Steff has confirmed our organization and set up our info
- resolved
New Business
- Andy spoke to landlord, got plumber to check sump pump and indoors
Air Compressor/Laser Issue
- breaker/laser issue remains unresolved
- laser lens keeps getting dirty because the air compressor has oil in it and needs to be cleaned; that is a relatively easy fix that Steff plans to do, possibly Sunday
- Meeting was adjourned at 10:22 PM