O&D Meeting 10/19/2021
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Steffanie S., Madeline S., Danielle B., Jim K., Andy M., Paul S., Raj S.
Amy S., Bill S., Charles L.
- Meeting called to order by Steff at 9 PM
Treasurers Report
- current treasurer report
- current member count: 74
- Space Report
- Supply report -- Should probably start making our own cleaning wipes; Bill S. provides procedure/materials, very quick & easy
Unfinished Business
Makership Committee
- looking to run new committee - 8/17/2021
- Paul will draft email to membership requesting leadership 8/17/2021
- email will be re-sent because of inconsistent response - 9/21/21
- Paul will re-send original email to membership
Notification/Harassment Case
- It was made clear that harasser in question was aware of his ban, but notification about his property was pending (per our legal advice) - 9/21/2021
- Tabled notification in favor of first making sure police assist with anyone who refuses to leave in general - 9/21/21
- Danielle has contact who will work with police dept. to ensure response - 9/21/21
- Danielle still working with contact; will talk to contact about opening conversation to the board
- Madeline produced a temporary sign as suggested by the contact: "we reserve the right to deny entry"
Drinking/Drug Use At Space
- Drug use is obviously prohibited by law, will not be tolerated - 9/21/21
- Drinking policy at space TBD--insurance policy is oddly worded, people must be contacted for clarification - 9/21/21
- Raj will investigate insurance stuff
Board Emails
- board emails seem to be answered in an untimely fashion, or go ignored completely - 9/21/21
- agreed to pay attention carefully to this and revisit - 9/21/21
- communicate more via Hangout and email directly
New Business
- Steff is leaving Nov. 19th; will be able to meet next board meeting
- Madeline taking over presidency until end of term
- Paul leaves Nov. 27th, but will stay on the board for the rest of term, acting remotely
- Madeline will send out email to membership encouraging election participation
- Meeting was adjourned at 10:01 PM