O&D Meeting 05/16/2023

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Called to Order 9:19

Board Members Present: Tiffany H., Andy M., Kevin F., Kevin P., Bill S., Charles H

Remote: Raj S.

Members: Pete R.

Treasurer's Report

  • Members: 77
  • Bank Balance: $57,980.02
  • Paypal: 1,023.35
  • Makership Fund: $2,100
  • Net gain for month: $193

Daniel Johnson asked about taxes - Taxes filed, reciepts provided on list

Eventbrite Payout methods updated (was going to Brian Wagner's past address)

$10K moved from savings to certificates (see last month minutes) Abatement approved


Kevin P. gave summary, same as on list to board

Raj S. Believes Landlord is being reasonable

Raj S. Re-emphasis: Barret Tasmin loves lvl1


Andy M. Nine months out from lease renewal

Raj S. Definitely under a current lease

Current Lease requested from landlord

Lack of copy - unsure if it didn't get moved from old share

Documents to Keep in space

Insurance documents are present.

Hard copy of member info is present.

Minutes are present (required).

Financial Reports - Kevin P. Will print these and put them with the minutes


Louisville Sew Still Needs Response

Projectors and 3D printer - David OG winnowed them

Jet Tablesaw WIP: Bill S and David OG (top off, parts on order)

Thank you Tiffany for working on records

Rules and Consequences, Crittenden

Crittenden brought his dog back to lvl1 after being told not to.

There was a private resolution about his dog being aggressive towards a member.

Crittenden made ammends with the Member in question (bought them flowers).

However dog was back in space last week

Bill S. suggested dog be muzzled if in space

Raj S. and Kevin P. said dog just shouldn't be here

Clarified that all dogs would not be banned unless vote of membership

Crittenden was given explicit instruction not to bring his dog back

Messiness in shop and use of large project storage addressed at same time.

Raj S. and Charles L. feel that the private resolution last year constitutes an unobjectionable rule. Kevin P, Kevin F., and Bill S. agree.

Vote on Temporary Suspension for Crittenden

  • Vote Type: Majority vote of the board - rules and consequences.
  • vote For: Consequence: Two week suspension
  • Vote For: Kevin P, Raj S., Charles L., Tiffany H., Kevin F., Andy M., Bill S.,

Kevin P. will communicate this with Crittenden and the members.

Lawsuit Update: Status same.

Closed 10:20PM