O&D Meeting 03/21/2023
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O&D Minutes 3/21/2023
Called to order 9:11PM
Board Present: Andy, Kevin F., Tiffany B., Kevin P., Charles L., Bill S., Raj S. Members Present: Amy S.
Previous Action Items
- Quickbooks reports, progressing greatly.
Workshops and Meetups
- Holy sheet metal - big success
- Derby Pi 22 People.
Treasurer's report
- Bank balance $57K, Paypay $782
- 85 Members, 72 payments
- Last Amazon Smile: $76.00
- Spent a lot of money last year recovering from covid.
- Pike13 Annual fee paid this month
- Passthrough for Danielle's workshop
- Expenses were high this month due to couch and annual pike13
- Two makership recipients
- See Treasurer's report
- Light fixture and big bottle of oxygen out front
- Vince and Tiffany will try to get tank exchanged
Update on air compressor
- Parts on order.
- Tiffany Temporarily provided compressor.
- Hose parts needed.
3D printers
- Going to try to fix by Tuesday
Round Table
- Thanks from the president to the rest of the board.
- Thanks from Amy
Happy Birthday Tiffany!
Action Items:
- Tracking EventBrite, filament income on reports
- Hiring an attorney for lawsuit (raj)
Adjourned 9:34