O&D Meeting 02/18/2024
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Old Action Items
- Collect new board’s information for Secretary of State website. (Tiffany)
- Need to get updated parking whitelist to Barrett Tasman for PCM.
- Kevin F is to ask Lockadoc for the PIN to the security system.
- Tiffany do a group message with Kevin F and Barrett T introducing new president to landlord. Will have a conversation about lease signing. Want to review the lease before signing: Charles, Tiffany, Raj, Kevin F.
- Get new board members into appropriate Google emails and chats and suite and such.
- Need to get the whole board up and running on the Slack private directors’ chat.
- Tiffany going to have a discussion with an attorney regarding whether we need O&D insurance (eg, O&D negligence, not following bylaws, etc.), what changes waiver needs to have, etc.
- Set a meeting date between Danielle, Jim and Tiffany to discuss member management things.
- Metal shop fan FAP. Tiffany will order the fan and other parts provided therein.
- Tiffany will order other miter saw part(s).
- Adam and Danielle will try to turn off flickr.
- Kevin F will set new board meeting dates, put them on the calendar, and notify membership of those.
- OOPS update, Danielle.
- Kevin F to notify membership of homeless issues, Pointe locking doors daily, trash out during business hours until Pointe doors are fixed.
- Tiffany will get an HVAC person to come look at the classroom HVAC.
- Lease
Old Business
- Broken E-mail Account - SOP required, O&D need instructions for how money can be spent to fix things
- Soda Machine Stuff - Lock-a-doc
- Lawyer Stuff / Wavier
- Classroom HVAC
Membership Report
- 79 members at end of January. Newest member signed up on 1/26/2024.
- 78 dues-paying members at end of January. Had one member whose dues did not pay on 1/28. Danielle has followed up on that.
Treasurer Report
Here are links to the two reports for January 2024
Treasurer Topics
- January was an OK/good financial month and the treasurer encourages ongoing everyone's good OOPS efforts to increase membership and revenue.
- Investigating to transition from QuickBooksDesktop to Wave Accounting software (working with Tiffany & Daniel Johnsen)
- Discuss and obtain O&D authorization to use LG&E bill leveling
- Discuss and obtain O&D authorization for "encumbered/designated/reserved" accounts shown on Statement of Financial Position
New Business
- Selling the Makerbot and Biques
- Planar Replacement
- Cameras in Wood Shop
- Food on Tuesdays
- Mural discussion - Adam
- Promotional Materials - Adam
Round Table
Action Items for Next Meeting
Categorizing Monthly Purchases
- Will work toward a formalized procedure to make sure it continues; possible bylaw change for annual meeting
Board meeting minutes, February 18, 2024 Attendees: Kevin F, Danielle B, Adam T, Jim D, Tiffany H, Charles L, Jeff McCord Matt DeBien joined later, too
meeting commence 2:06 pm meeting conclude 3:39 pm
Prior Action Items:
- Tiffany collected the new board’s information and posted it to the Secretary of State website.
- Need to get updated parking whitelist to Barrett Tasman for PCM. Still an action item; not completed yet.
- Kevin F did get the PIN for the security system from Lockadoc.
- Tiffany did a group-message text with Kevin F and Barrett T introducing new president to landlord. We had a conversation about the lease signing, but it’s not completed yet. : Charles, Tiffany, Raj and Kevin F all want to review the lease before signing.
- We got new board members into the appropriate Google emails and chats and suite and such.
- The whole board is up and running on the Slack private directors’ chat.
- Tiffany was not able to have a discussion with an attorney regarding whether we need O&D insurance (eg, O&D negligence, not following bylaws, etc.), what changes waiver needs to have, etc. because the attorney went into the hospital and had health issues, and I didn’t want to bother him with free-advice work.
- Danielle, Jim and Tiffany had a meeting to discuss member-management things.
- Metal shop fan FAP. Tiffany will order the fan and other parts provided therein. Kevin P set up a Home Depot account so Tiffany can get that ordered and sent to Home Depot for pickup.
- Tiffany ordered all other miter saw parts. There are 3 parts on Lockadoc’s shelf awaiting installation on the miter saw.
- Adam and Danielle will try to turn off Flickr. Danielle contacted Flickr who was less than helpful getting the account turned off. She’s waiting to hear back from Flickr. Kevin P copied all photos off the Flickr in case we lose access to the Flickr feed in discontinuing the service.
- Kevin F set up the new board meeting dates, put them on the calendar, and notified membership of the new schedule.
- OOPS update, Danielle. She’s gathering her information and will be setting up a meeting for everyone who has volunteered for the various initiatives. Working with Andy regarding disseminating information on Discord, and the next meeting will probably BE on Discord.
- Kevin F notified membership of the homeless issues, and that the Pointe is locking doors daily. We are to take the trash out during business hours only until the Pointe’s doors are fixed.
- Tiffany got an HVAC person to come look at the classroom HVAC. He got into the air handler and fixed some wiring within the unit that was arcing/shorting out. Also, the problem seems to be the breaker. Advised us to replace the di-pole 60 amp circuit. Ned instructed Tiffany on how to install that into the board. Before this meeting, the air handler was pushing warm air into the classroom. So, is it working or is it not?
- Lease. Still awaiting the landlord to supply us with a copy of the lease to review and sign. On that note, Tiffany disseminated that the landlord IS now receiving his $2,000 rent per month.
Old Business:
- Broken E-mail Account - SOP required, O&D need instructions for how money can be spent to fix things. Discussion regarding the Broken email, how many people are receiving it, who they are, and discussion regarding adding others. Kevin F has been taking items from the broken emails and discussing them at Tuesday night general meetings.
- Soda Machine Stuff - Lock-a-doc has gotten the soda machine up and running. Adam is in the process of making labels for the buttons and designing a change for the panel. Also have processing in the works for card or RFID or some other form of receiving payment than just cash/coins. Adam discussed expense for a new front panel, in the $300 range. Discussed possible ways to take other forms of payment for the soda machine.
- Lawyer Stuff / Wavier – Raj is handling the waiver and he’s not here tonight to discuss. Tiffany already discussed lawyer stuff.
Membership Report:
- 79 members at end of January. Newest member signed up on 1/26/2024.
- 78 dues-paying members at end of January. Had one member whose dues did not pay on 1/28. Danielle has followed up on that. Meaning we had one member in bad standing, so we have 78 members in good standing.
- Current budget requires 64 members to be valid.
Treasurer Report:
- Rent went up $500/month, so we need 10 more members than last year to maintain the same level of revenue.
- https://groups.google.com/g/lvl1-members/c/pG_PDWJw1dE
- Statement of Activities and Statement of Financial Position for January 2024 can be found at the above link.
- Revenue was $4,873.00 and expenses were $4,175.04, so LVL1 was net positive $697.96 for January.
- Jim suggests a couple of encumbrances to make sure LVL1 can operate. $17,000+ as a six-month fund to keep us operational for six months in case of whatever may occur to cause us to not be functional. The next encumbrance is suggested is an LG&E leveling fund. This would allow Jim to provide an in-house “budget program” for our LG&E bill so that it doesn’t fluctuate so much month to month, season to season, and cause budgeting issues.
- Extensively discussed the $10,000 “emergency fund” CD and how to improve that situation. Money in a 12-month CD, by definition, is not necessarily accessible as an emergency fund. Daniel suggested putting more money into a CD; since it’s sitting in the bank account, let’s make it make money for us. Maybe what we do, when this CD matures in May, is add $7,000+ more to it and reinvest in 2 or 3 12-month CDs. That way when we need emergency fund, we can cash out one CD without losing ALL of the investment income. Or, better idea, perhaps we ladder the CDs, we invest in one CD every month (or two, or quarterly), so that we always/frequently have one maturing CD if and when needed. Moreover, if we “laddered” $1,500 into a CD every month, then we would have an $18,000 emergency fund invested into rotating CDs, with one maturing every month. Depending on interest rates, this money will help improve revenue for LVL1 in addition to the 16-20 memberships we hope to add this year.
- Regarding “leveling” the LG&E bill: Over the past two years, there is great variability in the LG&E bill. The bill averaged $645; the standard deviation is plus or minus $200. We had one that was $1,000 more and one that was $390 less. LG&E will level a personal bill by putting you on the “budget program”; however, a three-phase supply cannot be put on the budget program. If we can give the treasurer permission to level the LG&E bill to $645 per month for budgeting purposes, that would help to decrease the fluctuation of our month-to-month expenses. The treasurer would create and keep track of an “LG&E Leveling Fund,” and would track the actual bill there and the amount of money either above or below the $645 leveling amount used as an expense amount for the monthly budget. At the end of the year, he will adjust the leveling fund accordingly for the next year.
New Business:
- Selling the Makerbot and Biques – We had a vote and it passed unanimously. Metal Matt will be taking care of this, and will update us when they’re sold.
- Planer Replacement – We need to have a conversation regarding replacing LVL1’s planer. Need someone to spearhead the research. Perhaps ask at the weekly meeting to see if anyone would be interested in doing this.
- Cameras in Wood Shop – Lockadoc is going to install cameras in the woodshop for safety of the machines, safety of the people and accountability of cleanup. He’s tired of coming in and finding messes everywhere in the woodshop.
- Proposals from Jim -
- Food on Tuesdays -
- Mural discussion – Adam
- Promotional Materials – Adam
- Slack and Discord – everyone send email addresses to Jim
Round Table:
Action Items for Next Meeting:
- Will have a conversation about lease signing. Want to review the lease before signing: Charles, Tiffany, Raj, Kevin F.
- Kevin F will send a text to Barrett later today regarding lease signing and submitting new parking whitelist.
- Kevin F will be point person for replying to broken emails when they’re received.
- Find a person who wants to be lead on RFID for soda machine.
- Have a regular email regarding membership numbers, I can do that.
- Jim D re laddered CD, rainy day proposal; and an email explanation regarding LG&E bill leveling.
Categorizing Monthly Purchases:
- Will work toward a formalized procedure to make sure it continues; possible bylaw change for annual meeting