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Welcome to LVL1!

  • T-Shirts are on sale after the meeting!!!! see Tiffany


  • Danielle for organizing Lvl1's presence at Maker Faire
  • To everyone here tonight! Thank you

'Maker Faire Louisville!'

'Maker Faire Louisville!'

Maker Faire Louisville!

The Tim VanSant Makership LVL1's Makership Program

Note: This program is funded completely through donations and NOT through our membership dues.

  • We currently have enough funds to offer a Makership. Please submit an application to become a member of LVL1! See our treasurer, make a donation.
  • Members: please talk up the Makership to potential new members. Makerships are a good way to interest minorities and women in LVL1. Emphasize the experience and the opportunity. Getting a project done is less important.
  • Makership Application Deadline is the last day of each month @ 11:59 PM.
  • Submit your project for a chance to win 3 months of LVL1 membership and a $100 reimbursement toward your project expenses.
  • Apply at www.lvl1.org/makership. Also, send any questions about how to submit a successful application to www.lvl1.org/makership. We want to award a Makership!
  • If your application is not approved, PLEASE revise and resubmit next month.
  • If you would like to donate ($5/mo) to this worthy cause, see one of the directors and we can set you up!

Broken/Equipment Report

Email Say Something to Someone Broken@lvl1.org

Please make sure that you review the instructions and manual and ask for the training prior to using the equipment.

    • If something is broken or needs to be replaced, please send an email to broken@lvl1.org.
    • Please supply as much information as possible; links to websites or items are GREATLY appreciated. Consumables can be time-consuming to find; broken is not a mind reader!
    • If your project doesn't fit on your shelf, please take it offsite. The boneyard is not your own personal storage shed.

Member's Responsibilities

    • Member hosts are responsible for the space and non-member guests
    • Please make sure guests sign the waiver
    • Member hosts are empowered to ask visitors who do not conduct themselves according to LVL1's policies and community standards to leave.
    • Always leave equipment at least as safe as you found it
    • Do not leave equipment running unattended
    • More details on the Members' List
    • Questions? Please contact a board member

Everybody's Responsibilities

    • If you see something say something
    • If you see something that is wrong, say something! Handle the situation in a calm orderly way.
    • If something is broken, email Broken@lvl1.org
    • Please respect other people's knowledge and expertise.
    • Always leave equipment at least as safe as you found it
    • Do not leave equipment running unattended
    • Do not block access to storage or exits

First Time Visitor Info

'Are there any 1st time Visitors? There will be a tour at the end of the Meeting -- Please sign the waiver of liability

    • Hacker-centric! We Are a Makerspace, Hacking and Making is expected..."
    • Prime Directive Be Excellent to Each other
    • We recommended following CDC guidelines about health and safety
    • Minors must be attended by Parent/Guardian!

LVL1 Means of Communication

    • Our website / calendar is www.lvl1.org
    • Meeting Minutes, equipment information, and projects on our wiki: wiki.lvl1.org
    • Sign up for our Google Group discussion list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lvl1
    • Google Hangout https://hangouts.google.com/group/KrvEvKVKapRzznlh2
    • Facebook, Twitter, Meetup
    • learn@lvl1.org - Want to learn something new, get some equipment training, or host a workshop? Want to help facilitate any of these things?
    • broken@lvl1.org - Something broken? Does something need to be restocked?
    • upgrades@lvl1.org - ideas for space upgrades? Send them here! or just do it!
    • directors@lvl1.org - Need to contact those who are ostensibly "in charge"?

Culture of Cleanliness

  • Please clean up your mess and keep the space usable for your fellow hackers!!!
  • Please do not take the furniture outside!
  • Get a FREE Clorox Wipe! Clean all the surfaces!
  • We have an Amazon Smile account. PLEASE USE! Shop at smile.amazon.com and tell them we are your favorite non-profit! LVL1 gets .05% back from each purchase at no extra cost to you!

Regular Weekly Meetups


  • If you would like to host a regular meetup, see one of the directors and we can get you set up!


  • LVL1 Open Meeting & Making - Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


THURSDAY CAD Meetup info page

  • Biweekly - Making CAD for on-demand manufacturing @ 7:30 PM September 15th and the 29th are the next 2 dates
Focusing on Fusion 360 

Directors Meeting -

 Director's Meeting and it is open to the public!
 9:00 pm, in the classroom and on zoom    
 The next one is September 20th, 2022

On every other Thursday'

  • Rescreen Thursday with Tiffany!


  • Irregular Movie and Open Build Night - this is happening in the space. Cmon in and be safe. The best night to be in the space to meet folks and learn something.

The Oh Shit Maker Faire is tomorrow Hackathon


Maker Faire Louisville

Upcoming Events

Get started with Pi Pico and micropython.10.00 per ticket

  • By the end of the workshop you will have learned how to use code, interact with neopixels, displays, and buttons. The final activity is a reaction time game.

* Minors are welcome so long as they are accompanied by a guardian who can sign our waiver.

Workshop - Dude, what's an Arduino! 10/15

Want to host an event? We'll make it happen!

See the Hosting Guide on our website: http://www.lvl1.org/hosting-guide/ Need help or materials for a project?

Want to host an event? We'll make it happen!

See the Hosting Guide on our website: http://www.lvl1.org/hosting-guide/ Need help or materials for a project?