
From LVL1
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Welcome to LVL1!


  • Scan the QR code on the table by the door and enter your license plate numbers to keep from getting a ticket. This is for everyone who uses the space.
  • This applies 24/7, and must be done each time you visit, every six hours.


People getting caught being awesome and doing things for the space.

  • Jim D. for putting on tonight's guest speaker.
  • Michael for fixing the design computer's fans.
  • Kevin P. for hosting his event.

First Time Visitor Info

Are there any 1st time Visitors?

  • Prime Directive: Be Excellent to Each other
  • Being unsafe is being unexcellent!
    • Please sign the waiver! We have dangerous tools that can cause serious injury if not used correctly and carefully. We're not responsible if you hurt yourself with them!
    • Minors must be supervised at all times.
    • Animals also must be supervised at all times.
  • Means of communication - https://www.lvl1.org/connect/
  • Someone will be hosting a tour at the end of the meeting, near the front doors.

Regular Weekly Meetups

You too can organize a weekly/monthly meetup! Talk to a member or director and we can get you set up!


  • LVL1 Open Meeting, 8:00pm - where you are right now!


  • Spaghetti Wednesday - 3d Printing Meet UP 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.


  • Open Code Night at 8:00 P.M. - ??? If you want to code or interested in coding, this is your night.


  • Irregular Movie and Open Build Night, 8ish? - This is happening in the space. C'mon in and be safe. The best night to be in the space to meet folks and learn something.

Guest Speaker: Andrew Marsh (lucky7arts.com)