Pseudo-Medical Monitor Code VL STUFF

From LVL1
Revision as of 18:58, 11 December 2021 by JAC 101 (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <nowiki> #define VL_GPIO01_PIN 6 #define VL_XSHUT_PIN 7 #define START_DISTANCE 500 #define EXG_DISTANCE 150 Adafruit_VL53L0X lox = Adafruit_VL53L0X(); bool EXG_Mode = fal...")
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#define VL_GPIO01_PIN 6
#define VL_XSHUT_PIN 7

#define START_DISTANCE 500
#define EXG_DISTANCE 150

Adafruit_VL53L0X lox = Adafruit_VL53L0X();

bool EXG_Mode = false;

int last_range_measurement = -1;
int VL_x_offset = 118;
int VL_y_offset = 0;
int VL_x_width = 10;
int VL_y_height = 74;

bool setup_VL()

void VL_Reset()
  last_range_measurement = -1;

void range_display(int range_measurement)
  int box_top = VL_y_offset;
  int box_bottom = box_top + VL_y_height;
  int box_left = VL_x_offset;
  int box_right = box_left + VL_x_width;
  int box_width = VL_x_width;
  int box_height = VL_y_height;
  int bar_top = box_top + 1;
  int bar_bottom = box_bottom - 1;

  int bar_left = box_left + 1;
  int bar_right = box_right -1;

  int bar_width = VL_x_width - 2;
  int bar_height = VL_y_height - 2;

  int bar_measure;
  if (last_range_measurement == -1)
       // Draw Box
  if (last_range_measurement != range_measurement)
      DrawScreenBlock(bar_left,bar_top,bar_width,bar_height, COMMON_BLACK);
      if (range_measurement > START_DISTANCE)
          DrawScreenBlock(bar_left,bar_top,bar_width,bar_height, COMMON_RED);
          if (range_measurement < EXG_DISTANCE)
              bar_measure = ((float)range_measurement / (float)START_DISTANCE) * bar_height;
              DrawScreenBlock(bar_left, bar_bottom - bar_measure, bar_width, bar_measure, COMMON_BLUE);
              bar_measure = ((float)range_measurement / (float)START_DISTANCE) * bar_height;
              DrawScreenBlock(bar_left, bar_bottom - bar_measure, bar_width, bar_measure, COMMON_GREEN);              

  last_range_measurement = range_measurement;

int VL_Reading()
  int range_measure;
  VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t measure;
  lox.rangingTest(&measure, false); // pass in 'true' to get debug data printout!
  if (measure.RangeStatus != 4) 
    {  // phase failures have incorrect data          
      range_measure = measure.RangeMilliMeter;
      range_measure = 9999;

  if (range_measure < EXG_DISTANCE)
    EXG_Mode = true;
    EXG_Mode = false;


void VL_Frame()
  int range_measure;
  range_measure = VL_Reading();


