Welcome to LVL1!
- Scan the QR code on the table by the door and enter your license plate numbers to keep from getting a ticket. This is for everyone who uses the space.
- This applies 24/7, and must be done each time you visit, every six hours.
People getting caught being awesome and doing things for the space.
- Gerard Dupont III for fixing our internet.
- Danielle Blank for putting on the soldering workshop.
- Amy Shah for putting on the cyber security class.
- James for graciously giving us internet to finishing the movie Friday.
- No More T-Shirts!!!!
- Pizza fund needs $, please donate to the fund for next week and the rest of the month!
The Tim VanSant Makership: LVL1's Makership Program
- This program is funded completely through donations and NOT through our membership dues.
- We currently have enough funds to offer a Makership. If you are not a member and want to do a makership:
- Apply at https://lvl1.org/makership/ and apply via makership@lvl1.org
- Application deadline is the last day of each month @ 11:59 PM.
- Become a regular member of LVL1.
- Get 3 months of membership and up to $100 of project cost reimbursements!
- If you are a member, you can set up a monthly donation to the makership fund! See the treasurer to set this up.
- Members: please talk up the Makership to potential new members.
- If your application is not approved, PLEASE revise and resubmit next month.
- Send any questions about how to submit a successful application to https://lvl1.org/makership/. We want to award a Makership!
Broken/Equipment Report
Please make sure that you review the instructions and manual and ask for the training prior to using the equipment.
- If something is broken or needs to be replaced, please send an email to broken@lvl1.org.
- Please supply as much information as possible; links to websites or items are GREATLY appreciated. Consumables can be time-consuming to find; broken is not a mind reader!
Currently Broken An internal fan in the design computer is not working.
Internet did go out, but now is working.
- Save the Planet - Reminder that there is a recycling can for cans next to the stairs for the bathroom.
- Put that back where it came from, or so help me! - Reminder to put tools away when you are not actively using them!
- I Need a Name - Metal Matt is taking suggestions for the new names for the 3d printers. See White Board.
- Glue me a... table? Lock-a-dock is looking for suggestions/ideas for a glue table for wood projects. Possibly in the boneyard.
- Get our only fan up and running We are looking for a team to help install our fan in the metal shop. Interested members speak to lock-a-dock.
- HDMI Cable Wrangler We need an HDMI cable as part of the woodshop camera project. IF you have one that you are willing to part with please bring one in.
- Soda Machine Card Readers We have multiple avenues of completing this project and we need input from members. We need to speak with the member who installed the badge reader on the laser. We want to duplicate that system for the vending machine. Same badge reader, same software, same Arduino, but applied to receiving payment in the soda machine. We also need to implement a payment system that communicates with the arduino be it Pike13, PayPal, Stripe or some other service.
Prospective Members
- Benefits of joining: A key, a shelf, a vote, and can sponsor
- How to Join: Find three sponsors, complete form, and pay
- Why Join: Monetarily support the space, learn to fix stuff
- How to get sponsors: Come and meet people. Be seen cleaning.
Member Responsibilities
- Please make sure guests sign the waiver and validate their parking.
- Member hosts are empowered to ask visitors who do not conduct themselves according to LVL1's policies and community standards to leave.
- Members are responsible for their guests and any other non-members they host. This includes hosting an event.
- Do not block access to storage or exits
- Turn things off and lock the space when you leave
- If your project doesn't fit on your shelf, please take it offsite. The boneyard is not your own personal storage shed.
- If you find things in the hallways that shouldn't be there (bedding, air fryers, etc...) please contact an officer or director so we can contact the landlord.
- READ the Members' List. This is how we alert you to important safety and policy things happening at the space.
- Questions? Please contact a board member or the Members' List.
Everybody's Responsibilities
- If something is broken or needs to be restocked, email broken@lvl1.org
- Always leave equipment at least as good as you found it.
- Do not leave equipment running unattended.
- Clean up your mess and keep the space usable for your fellow hackers!
- Do not take the furniture outside!
- Get a FREE Clorox Wipe! Clean all the surfaces!
- There is a list of 5 minute tasks on the whiteboard.
- Do NOT cause odors in the space
- Be Excellent to our neighbors that share the building with us, and DO NOT work on projects that will disrupt parts of the building that aren't ours.
- If you see anyone being unexcellent to fellow hackers or our neighbors, please courteously remind them!
First Time Visitor Info
Are there any 1st time Visitors?
- Prime Directive: Be Excellent to Each other
- Being unsafe is being unexcellent!
- Please sign the waiver! We have dangerous tools that can cause serious injury if not used correctly and carefully. We're not responsible if you hurt yourself with them!
- Minors must be supervised at all times.
- Animals also must be supervised at all times.
- Means of communication - https://www.lvl1.org/connect/
- Our website / calendar is https://lvl1.org
- Meeting Minutes, equipment information, and projects on our wiki: https://wiki.lvl1.org
- Sign up for our Google Group discussion list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lvl1
- Google Hangout https://hangouts.google.com/group/KrvEvKVKapRzznlh2
- Discord https://discord.gg/qXFrrNvxUY
- Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, Youtube
- learn@lvl1.org - Want to learn something new, get some equipment training, or host a workshop? Want to help facilitate any of these things?
- broken@lvl1.org - Something broken? Does something need to be restocked?
- directors@lvl1.org - Need to contact those who are ostensibly "in charge"?
- Someone will be hosting a tour at the end of the meeting, near the front doors.
Regular Weekly Meetups
You too can organize a weekly/monthly meetup! Talk to a member or director and we can get you set up!
- LVL1 Open Meeting, 8:00pm - where you are right now!
- Spaghetti Wednesday - 3d Printing Meet UP 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
- Open Code Night at 8:00 P.M. - ??? If you want to code or interested in coding, this is your night.
- Irregular Movie and Open Build Night, 8ish? - This is happening in the space. C'mon in and be safe. The best night to be in the space to meet folks and learn something.
- Last Friday:
- Sweeney Todd(2007)
- V for Vendetta(2005)
- Rein of Fire(2002)
- Last Friday:
- This Friday: Save us from Adam! (even though he has to work)
Upcoming Events
2024 O&D Meetings are as follows: Even Months: 3rd Sunday @ 2:00 P.M. / Odd Months: 3rd Tuesday after the regular weekly meeting.
Purge the Boneyard - August 24th
You too can organize an event! See the Hosting Guide on our website: https://lvl1.org/hosting-guide/
Making something cool?
Need help or materials for a project?
Have materials looking for a project?
Tell us about it!