O&D Meeting 04/25/2023
Board Present: Andy, Kevin F., Tiffany B., Kevin P., Charles L., Bill S., Raj S. Members Present: Amy S.
Previous Action Items
- Quickbooks reports, progressing greatly.
Workshops and Meetups
- Rumor has it, Kevin is going to host another PI Pico workshop
- Derby Pi 22 People.
- Light fixture and big bottle of oxygen out front
- Vince - Tanks were refiller, The tank doesn't belong to our supplier
Update on air compressor
- Parts on order.
- Tiffany Temporarily provided compressor.
- Hose parts needed.
3D printers
- Going to try to fix by Tuesday
- Fixed, needs to be tuned, all of them
Round Table
Action Items:
- Tracking EventBrite, filament income on reports
- Hiring an attorney for lawsuit (raj)
Adjourned 9:34