O&D Meeting 02/21/2023
* President - Andy Miller * Vice President - Kevin Filspart * Treasurer - Tiffany Haynie * Secretary - Kevin Price * Directors at Large * Raj Shah * Bill Schwab - Chief of Security * Charles Lehman - Director of Chaotic Good *
Action Items:
- Secretary of State report email to be sent - complete
- Treasurer will contact insurance about transition to annual payments- Complete and there's no difference
- Daniel, Andy, and Kevin F. will investigate using google meet by mid feb. - Tested and went back to Zoom due lack of functionality with our version of G-suite
- Daniel and Tiffany to shift to Quick Books P&L and balance sheet targeting March financials, In process
- Air Filter issue has been remedied.
- Derby City Py Requests - Mel is here tonight
- 2 Embriodary Workshops
- Build a Nec 20 / 8080 computer
- Derby City Py Had 31 people fro their January meetup
- 2 - Pi Pico w/Micropython 101
- Intro To Microcontrollers & Arduinos
Treasurers Report
LVL1 Financials for January, 2023 Snapshot Membership: 82 members (72 Pike13 + 7 PayPal + 3 cash)
Donation from Devin Rowe (re: Kai) (Jan.) $ 40.00 Bank Bal: $ 60,876.55 Dues – Pike13 (Republic deposits) 3,600.00 PayPal Bal: $ 477.62 Dues – PayPal 350.00 Dues – Cash 150.00 Tot. Assets $ 61,460.53
Total $4,140.00 Expenses: Income: $4,140.00
CC Processing – Pike13 ($ 134.16) Expenses: $3,713.32 Insurance – West Bend Mutual ($ 143.92) Net gain: $ 426.68 Air filters ($ 140.41) Amazon - supplies ($ 111.24) Makership: $ 2,638.57 Zoom ($ 31.78) rec’v’d Jan. 20.00 LG&E ($ 729.07) balance $ 2,658.57 Woodshop – Carb./H.D. – saw blades ($ 291.77) *** There will be two new Rent ($1500.00) *** Makership recipients Pike13 Monthly Fee ($ 149.00) *** next month Paypal ($ 10.43) Flickr ($ 6.99) Supplies - filament ($ 121.51) Lawsuit ($ 14.04)
Rabbit Laser – honeycomb & hinges ($ 329.00) Total ($ 3,713.32)
Unfinished Business
- Daniel and Tiffany to shift to Quick Books P&L and balance sheet targeting March financials
- *Updates
- Laser cutter hinges and gas shocks are now installed and working!
- The Fap for the couch passed and couch is now at Lvl1
- Previous Status