O&D Meeting 06/21/2022

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  • Dan has completed the work on the cage that went around the AC units! Not just a cage - a fortress. Thanks, Dan!


  • Sadly The bike was not recovered. Please do not leave valuable personal belongings in the space.

Lawsuit Update

  • Andy asks that members email him with any specific questions or concerns.

Financial Snapshot for April

  • 89 members
  • 1 Makership (month #2). Minimal expenses thus far.

May Snapshot

Dues - Pike13 $4,000.00 est
Dues - PayPal 350.00
Dues - Cash 100.00
Donations - Amazon Smile 93.38
Total Income $4,450.00 est
CC Processing ($139.54)
Insurance ( 138.85)
Amazon (156.16)
Zoom ( 31.78)
LG&E (822.78)
Rent (1,500.00)
Pike13 ( 149.00)
Bank Fee ( 2.95)
Flickr ( 6.99)
Fabreeko (3d printer stuff) ( 82.77)
PayPal ( 10.43)
Total Expenses (est) ($3,041.25)
Bank Balance $50,776.79
PayPal Balance $1,263.00
Income $4,543.38
Expenses ($3,041.25)
Net Gain ($1,502.13) est
Makership $2,560.67
Emergency Funds
CD 239 $3,063.55
CD 190 $3,063.55
CD 220 $3,077.10
Total $9,198.12
(June 2022 CD Values.

The mature 0n 9/12. We may want to look into a 36-month CDs, 2.00%)) ||

  • Tiffany and Bill are continuing to exploring Pike13 alternatives.

Space Improvements

  • Repetier-Server for the 3D printing area -John Coder
  • Boneyard redesign: Some clutter is creeping back in.
  • Amy will seek a grant from Costco, possibly other vendors, for a new couch. If no grants forthcoming in a couple of weeks, we'll purchase one outright.
  • Air conditioner units on the way.

General Discussion

  • Laser safety: PSA will be posted reiterating laser must me attended at all times. Tim Miller will investigate an automatic fire extinguisher that would be mounted above the laser.
  • SME concept discussed: some makerspaces have 'subject matter experts' for various areas. Amy suggested on Google group that we consider it. Good, thought provoking idea. Tabled for further discussion.
  • Above discussion lead to discussion about how to incentivize members to teach, share what they know. Some are in favor of incentives and or/teachers making money from teaching. Some are not. Amy and Danielle will discuss offline.
  • Video camera upgraded. 6TB storage now. 2T gave us 9 days at high res. Won't know exactly what we'll get with new system until it goes through a cycle.