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How do you pronounce LVL1?

General consensus is it's pronounced 'level one'.

Are you a hackerspace or a makerspace?

It doesn't matter. Hackerspace is the preferred term of the 'hackerspace movement'. Makerspace could be used when you don't want to scare someone who doesn't understand the true history of the word hacker.

Should I be scared that your hackerspace will break into my computer?

No, that's not what we do at all. We use the term hacker in the the historical 'creative use of technology' sense, not the 'media boogeyman cybercriminal' sense.

Will you hack into someone's facebook for me?


I'd like to donate a bunch of stuff I don't use anymore. What can I give you?

Well thank you! We do already have quite a lot of equipment. Please check out Equipment to see if your items would be unneeded duplicates. The amount of space we have is limited, so we have to be efficient about what we take in. :-)

  • We don't want any CRTs, tube TVs and tube computer monitors. These take up a lot of space and aren't useful in our modern flat screen world.
  • We have tons of old computer hardware, so we don't need any of that. Modern computer hardware would be appreciated though.
  • If you have broken electronics you want to donate, it'd help us greatly if you strip out useful components first (i.e. stepper motors, power supplies, things like that).
  • We appreciate any and all donations, but please try to be thoughtful of what is useful. We want to avoid using LVL1's space for electronic waste storage! :-)