O/D Meeting 2/18/2020
New Business
- Harassment case
- Protocol for accessing the space
- Emergency funds
Finance and member report
Workshops and events
- Micro Weather Station
- Space Improvement Day
Space and equipment
- Window coverings
- Ventilation fan in metal shop
- Progress on air conditioner mount for metal shop
Round Table
[Secretary's note: These are temporary meeting minutes notes for a very late-starting meeting that ran until midnight; I will post improved minutes soon.]
LVL1 Board Meeting February 18, 2020
Executive session attendees: Charles, Danielle, Tiffany, Jim K, Paul Gossen, Raj, Madeline
begin: 9:36 pm
determination: Raj will send an email offering to meet with Kenneth this Thursday at 8.
end: 10:13 pm
Regular meeting attendees: Charles, Danielle, Tiffany, Jim K, Paul Gossen, Raj, Madeline, Paul Strasser, Steff, Jose, Tim M, Michael H
begin: 10:18 pm
Finance and member report: Jim: P&L on the front; experienced less positive balance because of the increase in utils. Balances don't reflect just the budget; reflect makership & grants and everything. Income, second page, and expenses. Paypal expense was a reimbursement to Virgil for the window covering materials.
Third page, two util bills we've paid so far.
Paul S: President's Day. We got an extra day for taxes, so yay.
End of lease is June. It's June 1st for the insurance. Meetup Vcarve. I've looked at the insurance for the past two years. Pike13. CC processing is 142.08. Kevin went in an cleaned up some membership and turned off their badges. Current membership is 87. And we have one person who is on Makership.
Conversation about whether membership is notified when a Makership is awarded. Email was on February 10th. We have enough funds to do at least 8 more makerships. We're at 2,000 and change, plus $60 coming in every month.
Michael left 11:12 pm; 54:50 into the file; returned 11:14 Michael left 11:27 pm; returned 11:30 Raj left 11:38 pm; returns 11:41 Madeline leaves 11:45 pm Steff left 11:55 pm
ended 11:59pm