Clive Badger
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Note on infill: For models that don't need structural integrity, use less infill. Even in the 2-3% range. Less infill means less wasted plastic.
Note on slicing profiles: Watch that someone hasn't reset the profile to something experimental that can damage the Makerbot. Stick with Replicator default unless you know what you're doing.
Note on materials: There may be a mixture of ABS and PLA filament. Make sure to check the labeling and your print settings, as the materials require slightly different settings which will effect your printing success.
==MakerWare MakerBot Desktop V3.3.0.31 ABS Print Sequence (Assuming a prepared STL file and using Makerbot ABS filament on the right nozzle)
- Make sure the Replicator has power (power switch is located on the rear in the lower right corner)
- Check that sufficient filament is loaded and that the nozzle is clean (no blob of plastic from a prior print - remove it as needed)
- Press the "up" or "Left" arrows on the black membrane around the red "m" enter button until "Build/Preheat/Utilities" is visble.
- Select "Preheat" and then set "Platform" and the "Right" head to "On"
- Select "Start PreHeat" - the LCD should show the status of the operation including the temperatures of the print platform and extruder(s)
- Open "MakerWare" (red "m" icon on left task bar) on Ubuntu 3D printing PC
- If prompted for a new version, please do not download it if you are not prepared to manage any changes required and update the documentation yourself immediately!
- To print an existing file (from Thingiverse, prior project, etc) browse to the file. Member files on the share server are located under "/mnt/z/Member Files".
- If asked "Put Object On Platform?" the answer is most likely "Move to Platform". Not selecting this may "embed" the model in or above the paltform and the print will fail.
- Move or scale the object as needed
- Choose "Settings" and varify the values are correct for the project and filament
- Ensure the left and right nozzles are set to "Makerbot ABS"
- Select the proper resolution (High is the slowest but is assumed for this example)
- Check the "Advanced Options"
- Set the "Profile" to "High" and verify that the "Slicer" shows "MakerBot Slicer"
- Under the "Quality" tab, Verify InFill is set to 10% or lower (in most cases)
- Set the proper Number of Shells for your job (2-5 are most common)
- Set the Layer Height (0.20 mm is common)
- Under the "Temperature" tab, ensure the left and right extruder are set at approximatelt 230-232 degrees C
- Select "Heat the Build Plate"
- Set the temperature of the "Build Plate" to 110 degrees C
- Under the "Speed" tab, verify the "Speed While Extruding" is set to approximately 75 mm/s
- Verify the "Speed While Travelling" is set to approximately 100 mm/s
- Save the settings
- Choose "Export Print File" - the software will generate the prepared code and will show the resolution, rafts and supports values (Check them!)
- When the "preparing" process completes, an estimate of print time and material will be shown; Save your file and move it to an SD card (the SD card write on the Ubuntu machine is currently missing - You may use the laser printer PC's SD card slot in the meantime)
- Load the SD Card into the right hand side of the printer (label out towards the room)
- If a previous print has been completed without issues, the bed should not nee to be levelled. If the bed has not been leveled, select "Utilities" and "Level Build Plate" - The LCD will walk you thru the process.
- Once the platform is fully preheated, Select "Build from SD"
- The bed will lower and then rise up to meet the head to zero out the Z axis. It will then lower all the way to the bottom.
- As the bed hits the bottom and starts to rise, it is about to start the print: one *quick* spray of AquaNet across the platform where the build will be perforemd is sufficient to provide proper surface tension.
- The extruder will first print a single thin line of plastic across the front of the build platform to extrude any leftover material.
- The LCD will show the elapsed time of the print job.
ReplicatorG default ABS settings
- Slicing Profile: Replicator 2 Default
- Use Raft / Support (Check if you have overhangs or many pieces on a single build, otherwise uncheck)
- Use support Material (Exterior support if you have overhangs greater than 45 degree angles)
- Use default start / end gcode (Always check)
- Use Print-O-Matic (Always check)
- Object Infill (10%)
- Layer Height (.27)
- Number of Shells (1)
- Feedrate (41)
- Travel Feedrate (51)
- Print Temperature (220)
ReplicatorG Accelerated ABS print settings
- Slicing Profile: Replicator 2 Default
- Use Raft / Support (Check if you have overhangs or many pieces on a single build, otherwise uncheck)
- Use support Material (Exterior support if you have overhangs greater than 45 degree angles)
- Use default start / end gcode (Always check)
- Use Print-O-Matic (Always check)
- Object Infill (10%)
- Layer Height (.27)
- Number of Shells (1)
- Feedrate (80)
- Travel Feedrate (150)
- Print Temperature (230)
ReplicatorG fine resolution ABS print settings
- Slicing Profile: Replicator 2 Default
- Use Raft / Support (Check if you have overhangs or many pieces on a single build, otherwise uncheck)
- Use support Material (Exterior support if you have overhangs greater than 45 degree angles)
- Use default start / end gcode (Always check)
- Use Print-O-Matic (Always check)
- Object Infill (10%)
- Layer Height (.2)
- Number of Shells (1)
- Feedrate (40)
- Travel Feedrate (50)
- Print Temperature (220)
Purchased for LVL1 from NSF funds for the UofL Speed School Co-op Makership
Maintenance Log
- 04/18/2014 - Maintenance log created.
- 09/15/2014 - Swapped front console with Clive Badger. Currently installed front console buttons work. SD card slot may or may not be working. (Nathan A.)
- 03/21/2015 - Front SD card slot confirmed working - Right extruder confirmed working (Labeled for ABS ONLY); name label created - still needs QR code (Sean McP)