LVL1 Gets Medieval on Security and Members

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Often hacker/makerspaces need expansion to suit its members. LVL1 has decided to make such an expansion in the form of its newest upgrade called "The Moat V2.0". As seen in the pictures, LVL1 decided that getting into the space was too easy and a barrirer of sorts was needed.


After long discussions of laser fences, barbed wire and weapon turrets, a decision was made to be more inventive. A few steampunkers suggested piston driven vault doors, but the members of the space thought that was not in keeping with advanced technology. The advanced technology wing of the space decided to go so far into the future that post apocalyptic seemed timely. In a ravaged landscape deviod of creature comforts, nothing says "We are hackers." like a moat. Organizing such an endeavor requires cunning and deception. So, a "plumbing problem" was devised and members properly decked out in work gear began a publics works/metropolitan sewer dig.

Medieval Outside 1.jpg

Oddly enough, passing city workers thought we were comrads in toil and lent a hand.

Medieval Outside 2x.jpg

Soon we were 14 feet deep moving piping for the water.

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We are now telling the city that it is a fountain project with a reflecting pool. All seem happy with the instillation, while the chamber of commerce asked about including it on the city wide Derby tour.

But keeping at bay outsiders does not answer the issue of post apocalyptic insurgiency within. So, re-education holding pits are being installed. The inspiration for the pits seems to be pipes, chains and saws.

Medieval Inside 1.jpg Medieval Inside 3.jpg Medieval Inside 4.jpg

The casual observer is cautioned against asking too many questions since the internal security apparatchik are frakking nuts and best left alone.

With all these upgrades, LVL1 is keeping its "just drop by" policy for all visitors. Feel free to read our site and for info. We want visitors, we need visitors and post apocalyptic upgrades wont be complete until the soylent green upgrade to the kitchen is done.

Medieval kitchen.jpg