Difference between revisions of "Workshops/TwiddleNScratch"

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(Created page with "== Twiddle your knobs, Don't scratch your head! == '''Scoping for the curious inventor''' ===Workshop Resources=== [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUIgAu3QQWQ&feature=relmfu ...")
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== Twiddle your knobs, Don't scratch your head!  ==
= Twiddle your knobs, Don't scratch your head!  =
'''Scoping for the curious inventor'''
'''Scoping for the curious inventor'''

Revision as of 18:41, 17 May 2011

Twiddle your knobs, Don't scratch your head!

Scoping for the curious inventor

Workshop Resources

 Tutorial Video Part 2

LVL1 Scopes Detailed info

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