Difference between revisions of "O&D Meeting 01/16/2024"

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== Old Action Items ==
== Old Action Items ==
* Metalshop Fan
* Metalshop Fan FAP (Passed)
* Bylaw Change (expense allowance)
* Bylaw Change (expense allowance)
* Lease
* Lease
* Back Door
* Updated Budget / Receipts
* Budget / Receipts
* Set up Jim as Staff Member/Reporting access.
* Bettering the Space Meeting
* Table Saw
* Broken E-mail Account
* Miter saw Guard
* Phone Call Drive
* Turn flickr off
== Old Business ==
== Old Business ==
* GFI outlets
* Broken E-mail Account - SOP required, O&D need instructions for how money can be spent to fix things
* Table Saw (Finally to be removed from Agenda!)
* Setting Dates For Meetings - Suggestion was ever Quarter have a non-3rd Tuesday meeting.
* OOPS update
== Membership Report ==
== Membership Report ==
== Treasurer Report ==
== Treasurer Report ==
Here are links to the two reports for January 2024
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d5clU5h8zy2UJokZFCDzGiGzafiXKP58/view?usp=sharing LVL1-StatementOfActivities-202401.pdf]
* [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yjd3PBHlHCR5LcUkP4Ii1cn7da6F56Is/view?usp=sharing LVL1-StatementOfFinancialPosition-20240131.pdf]
Treasurer Topics
* January was an OK/good financial month and the treasurer encourages ongoing everyone's good OOPS efforts to increase membership and revenue.
* Investigating to transition from QuickBooksDesktop to Wave Accounting software (working with Tiffany & Daniel Johnsen)
* Discuss and obtain O&D authorization to use LG&E bill leveling
** [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y29iw8cJGg0Vcf0SlUfdLI_TA55JlvG3QLsMnTHzbXc/edit?usp=sharing Reason and Rationale for this]
** [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gUx-BIsGMgqvbfLIFoU8j5gyLT91cn2zvRM-Cp1UQZk/edit?usp=sharing Planned Implementation]
* Discuss and obtain O&D authorization for "encumbered/designated/reserved" accounts shown on Statement of Financial Position
== New Business ==
== New Business ==
* Homeless at the point and new door protocol.
* Lawyer Stuff / Wavier
* Soda Machine Price - Lock-a-doc
* Classroom HVAC
== Round Table ==
== Round Table ==
Line 24: Line 48:
== Categorizing Monthly Purchases ==
== Categorizing Monthly Purchases ==
* Will work toward a formalized procedure to make sure it continues; possible bylaw change for annual meeting
* Will work toward a formalized procedure to make sure it continues; possible bylaw change for annual meeting
= Minutes =
= Minutes =
Called to order 9:12
In attendance:
Board meeting minutes, January 16, 2024
Attendees: Kevin F, Danielle B, Andy M, Adam T, Jim D, Tiffany H, Bill S, Raj S, Charles L, Pete R,
other people in the main room who passed in and out of the board meeting
Charles L, Tiffany H, Kevin F., Kevin P., Raj S.
meeting commence '''9:19 pm'''
Remote: Bill S.
Old action items:
Members: Jim D., Danielle B., Adam.
* Metalshop Fan FAP passed: Will get fan ordered shortly. Kevin P did the FAP, Bill S has the information about the fan; Tiffany H will handle getting with Bill to order parts.
*note: Barret is our landlord*
* Bylaw change, expense allowance: It passed.  
==Old Business==
* Lease: Have new board in place. Tiffany will text Barrett telling him, and that Kevin F is new president.
Metalshop Fan FAP - Failed. Kevin P. Will re-run at election
* Update budget/receipts: Shoestring budget is in effect now. Receipts were reimbursed for last month. New reimbursement allowance amount is $150 per reimbursement, up to $600 per month.
* Set up Jim D as staff member with reporting access on Pike13:  Has been done.
* Table Saw: Fixed and set up with dust-collection requirement in place.
* Miter Saw Guard:  Ordered one, not second one yet. Go ahead and order second one.
* Phone Call Drive: Did that. Still have a few contacts to make, but mostly updated.
* Turn flickr off: Tiffany tried, was unsuccessful. Danielle will try again to “fluck with flickr”, or we will have Jim D cancel payment on PayPal.
Bylaw change for reimbursement $100 to $150 - Charles and Tiffany will continue working on it.
Raj S: Met with Barret, looking at five year lease w/ annual rent. Digitze autopayment, Rent $2000. Annual increases will be in contract. No CPI.
Kevin P: Ownership of AC. Members and Landlord may both think they have ownership. Resolving or not resolving should be active, not passive. Reasons should be communicable to members.
Raj S: Barret Concientious about revenue and accounts payable, considered we owed money for failure to adjust lease amount. Air conditioner ownership should be considered.
Old business items:
* Broken email account - SOP required, O&D need instructions for how money can be spent to fix things: Discussed last couple of months that “broken is broken,” the emails were only being received by two people.
* We’ve un-broken “broken” and now more people are receiving the emails. Regarding SOPs, our bylaws spell out how and when we can spend money to fix things, but we need to organize things so that directors know what we can and can’t spend money on.
* We want to get to where “broken” is more of a ‘membership initiative’ thing than a ‘spend money’ thing. OOPS will be addressing this.
* Moving forward, things that need to be purchased will be handled by O&D, things that need repaired or time investment will be handled by membership.
* Danielle discussed the possibility of using Google Forms for receipts and reimbursements, and that we’ll now go back to our former reimbursements protocol under the shoestring budget.
* Jim D discussed that, for the short term, use treasurer@lvl1.org to request reimbursements and copy the email to directors@lvl1.org just to be safe.
* Group discussion regarding what can be spent per month in reimbursements and FAPs, and discussed why ‘broken’ needs to be maintenance.
* Table Saw: Finally can be removed from the agenda; thank you to all who worked on it. People need to be aware that the table saw will not run without suction. The dust collector MUST be turned on first.
* Setting Dates for meetings: In the interest of making board meetings more accessible to membership, meeting dates have been changed up a bit. Every even month, beginning with February 18th and ending with December 15th, will be one the third Sunday at 2pm; every odd month, such as tonight, will remain on third Tuesdays at 9pm.
* OOPS update: Danielle discussed that she and Andy Mahoney will get a Discord channel and roles set up, then we can get the ball started rolling as an OOPS group to make things happen.
Raj S: Barret taking lease back to family for approval
Charles L: Barret will replace back door.
Membership Report:
* Membership count as of tonight, 1/16/24, is 77 members.
* The requirement for membership count under the shoestring budget is 63.83 members.
* Jim D’s goal for the year is to add 16 members, or to get to 93 members by December 31, 2024.
Charles L and Raj S: will continue to negotiate lease
Charles L: will need to adjust budget for next months rent. Is budget valid?
Treasurer’s Report:
* Net income for month is $1,716, which includes a $500 makership donation, so $1,200 net revenue for December.
Tiffany H: By $2,000/month. 77.3 members required at $50. Budget will need adjustment
* A check for $1,500 went out in December for January rent before I could get that changed, so a supplemental check for $500 went out in January. Rent total in January will be $2,500 because of that supplemental check.
* Utility bill was $390 for December. January bill will be low, too. However, in new business, the classroom heater is not functioning and has probably been not functioning for a couple of months, which is probably part of why this bill is so low.
* Zoom is $35; insurance is $153; CC processing fees are $122; spent $44 on supplies; spent $10 on low-cost tools and supplies. Need to spend a little money on supplies, 90% alcohol, bleach, dish liquid, Gojo/Goop, coffee, other basic supplies, etc.
* Jeff McCord donated all proceeds from his December laser class to makership, so total makership donation for December was over $560.
* Balance Sheet information: Total assets at the end of the year is $65,433. This doesn’t include interest on the CD, which is at 4% and will mature in May. Our Republic balance is $54,331; the CD is 10,000; PayPal is $1,101, and the total is $65,433. Some of that money is encumbered funds: makership fund, 3D filament, vinyl fund, t-shirt money, and now potluck/pizza money.
* Jim D will be back in town in two weeks, and we’ll handle getting Kevin F and Jim D onto the Republic Bank acct as signatories, and Charles L and myself off.
* 2023 Annual Financial report will be provided to membership before June 2024.
Raj S: General agreement that dues should be increased.
Disorganized discussion about amounts, etc. Nothing decided.
New Business/Round Table:
* Homeless at The Pointe and new door protocol: Barrett let us know that he’s having serious homeless person problems in the building, and that he’s had barrel bolts installed on ALL of his exterior doors, and now he is locking the building every night at close of business and opening them back up in the morning. He plans to have steel doors installed at the vestibule next week and having new locks on the exterior doors next week with stronger magnetic locks. Eventually, The Pointe’s keyfob system will be working again.
Kevin P: Is rent set in stone?
* Kevin will send a message to membership about not leaving LVL1’s exterior door and bathroom door unlocked while not in visual line of sight.
* Lawyer stuff/waiver: Raj has been emailing regarding new insurance. Our current waiver is insufficient, so we definitely need to update the waiver due to case law and needing updated language. When it comes time to pay an attorney for a waiver rewrite, we’ll be sure to retain someone whose specialty this is. For informational purposes, just gathering information regarding general legal questions is okay.
Raj S: verbal agreement on lease for 2024 year. Barring major issues with owners will not change
* Soda Machine, prices/Lockadoc: Vending fund had $109; spent $60-something stocking the machine. Doc presented options for soda vending to potentially raise extra money to buy a snack vending machine for future use, and to have money in the vending fund for maintenance of the vending machine(s). Soda machine has 9 slots for sodas; most slots will remain the same, some slots will rotate various stock. Adam can/will make labels for buttons for soda machine.
* Soda Machine, digital reader: Soda machine is currently cash only, discussion regarding different methods of debit card, RFID payments, there are additional expenses involved, STRIPE service, options.
Raj S: Integrated message system incoming. We will have a record of attempted to contact, payment, issues, etc.
* Waiver: Discussion that we need to update it, and that we have a desire to make it digital.
* Classroom HVAC: Is not working; we need to have it looked at. HVAC is LVL1 responsibility; LVL1 does NOT have to use The Pointe’s HVAC company. Tiffany will see if she can get her boyfriend’s nephew down here to look at it, fee free or cheaply.
Charles L: Landlord wants one point of contact going forward.
* Discussion regarding getting treasurer’s keys to Jim, and regarding safe combination. The president’s keys are apparently lost, haven’t been seen since Charles gave them to subsequent president.  
* Discussion regarding Google group, members’ list, emails, Discord, Slack, and what to use for official communication. We wish to develop Discord and Slack further, but will continue to use Google members’ list for official communication to membership.
===Space improvement===
* Andy M will be making some improvement changes to the Discord.
Danielle B. - Space improvement meeting went well, is organizing a discord.
* Raj discussed that a raffle for the Potluck portion of Pizza donations is probably not a good idea, under the premise that it is charitable gaming and has too much state/Federal regulation. We are not selling food, it’s by donation only; people can eat the food whether they donate or not.
===Broken Email===
Charles L:  We know who is on broken now
Danielle B: Has not addressed what happens when people know things are broken. How do we get things fixed?
Tiffany H: In the broken arena - miter saw guards are broken. We can't fix. Over $100, Laptop Batteries Not in budget, but need reimbursement. Budget still broken, expenses not ready
Kevin P: Laxity on budget lead to laxity in authorizing big spending.Frustrating because people who proposed it have never been responsible for implementing it.
Danielle B: Email as point of contact as board problem. Larger functionalithy is broken
Jim D: Nobody has responsability
Tiffany H: Purchasing Has been seriously curtailed since air conditioner purchase, could spend from budget
Charles L: Tracking budget expenses still not done. We've got no idea how much is left in what category, cannot spend till done.
Charles L: Moving to old business
===Table Saw===
Bill S: Fixing table saw. Still working on it
GFI Outlets
Kevin P: Done, can be removed from future agenda.
Membership report=
75 Memberships
Kevin P: We Need to do better about bad standing. Notices go to spam, emails go to spam.
Kevin P: We missed that a paypal member missed payments and they were not notified in a timely fashion.  
Tiffany H: Have to actively pursue two members who pay by cash in the safe.
Kevin P: If they don't pay on time, have them get prepaids
Jim D: Cash is very hard to track trace
*Review of paypal data shows everyone in pike13 with paypal plan is paying*
Kevin P: Reviewing bad standing should be done every board meeting
Treasurer Report:
Net: ~$900 positive, but Something needed correction
Assets: $63,716.69
Raj S.: When does CD Mature
Tiffany H: opened may, closes may 4% interest
Jim D: Action item work to work with Tiffany
Tiffany H: Turn off flicker?
Kevin P: Only gives API access, can turn off.
==New Business==
Tiffany H: Can I reimburse batteries ($120)
Jim D: Two Reciepts, probably should.  
Tiffany H: Reimburse makerships. Other maker needs to re-imburse
Charles L: Let them know to send email requesting reimbursement
Tiffany H: Miter guard?
Danielle B: Resolution last meeting was to just buy one for now.
Tiffany H: will order miter guard
===O&D Time and scheduling===
Kevin P: Should considering having a meeting quarterly on the weekend. Jeff McCord suggested, Danielle's turnout is impressive
Charles L: recommends new board decide
===Notifications and Contact===
Kevin P: Mailchimp? Emails go to spam, missed payment emails go to social
Kevin P: Pike13, check for text notification options
===Dues Increase===
Danielle B: How to get gears of increasing dues turning?
Kevin P: Members must pay dues or become non-members after three months. About 12 out of 60 members did not convert to pike13.  
Kevin P: Should we create new class of member and accept partial dues payments
Charles L: Believes we should let them become non-members.
Kevin P: Dues can only be set at the annual meeting. If we don't know how many we will lose, we may set unsustainable dues. They cannot be changed unless we change the bylaws.  
Kevin P: If we set dues at $70, but we catastrophically drop to 50 members it's a major problem.  
Kevin P: Managed to contact 40 members. Still recovering from surgeries, unable to do more. Would have resigned, but unfair to inflict election this close to annual meeting.
Danielle B: Possible to raise dues like a gym? We do not have a clear agreement to do so.
Raj S: Certain percentage will lose. Raj will research miss rate and dues setting. We need to begin contacting
Kevin F: We have to start contacting people.  
Kevin P: Who should have access to information? Phone #, Address, email?
Raj S: Most people would think email should be public. Rest should be limited
Raj S., Jim D, Charles L, Kevin F: we will have contact committee
Kevin F: Two weeks around holidays not a good time to contact people. Week before annual meeting too late. Suggests January 6th at 1pm
General agreement.
Charles L: Get everyone paying on same day, but need to figure out how to pro-rate and charge partial dues.  
    Woman passed out in bathroom break:
Jim D: Best revenue is get more members. Make a concerted effort to challenge everyone to raise more members and operate at a loss for 3 months
Raj S: Delaying the inevitable. Rent will keep increasing, must raise dues
Kevin P: Consequence of operating at a loss is no budget. All Faps and reimbursement
Charles L: New board has to be able to operate. Handing them a challenge wouldn't be reight.
==Action Item Review==
Metalshop FAP rerun- Kevin P.
Reimbursement bylaw to $150 - Tiffanh H. and Charls L.
January 6th Saturday - 1PM - All except Kevin P.
Danielle & Raj Will make script for phone calls
Turn flickr off - Tiffany
Update Budget for New Amount. Tiffany H.
Order Saw Guard. Tiffany H.
Set up Jim as Staff Member/Reporting access.  
New action items:
* Collect new board’s information for Secretary of State website and new whitelist for parking. Tiffany’s action item to file with Secretary of State.
* Need to get updated parking whitelist to Barrett Tasman for PCM.
* Kevin F is to ask Lockadoc for the PIN to the security system.
* Tiffany do a group message with Kevin F and Barrett T introducing new president to landlord. Will have a conversation about lease signing. Want to review the lease before signing: Charles, Tiffany, Raj, Kevin F.
* Get new board members into appropriate Google emails and chats and suite and such.
* Need to get the whole board up and running on the Slack private directors’ chat.
* Tiffany going to have a discussion with an attorney regarding whether we need O&D insurance (eg, O&D negligence, not following bylaws, etc.), what changes waiver needs to have, etc.
* Set a meeting date between Danielle, Jim and Tiffany to discuss member management things.
* Metal shop fan FAP. Tiffany will order the fan and other parts provided therein.
* Tiffany will order other miter saw part(s).
* Adam and Danielle will try to turn off flickr.
* Kevin F will set new board meeting dates, put them on the calendar, and notify membership of those.
* OOPS update, Danielle.
* Kevin F to notify membership of homeless issues, Pointe locking doors daily, trash out during business hours until Pointe doors are fixed.
* Tiffany will get an HVAC person to come look at the classroom HVAC.
Adjourned 10:57
meeting adjourned at '''10:54pm'''

Latest revision as of 11:33, 18 February 2024


Old Action Items

  • Metalshop Fan FAP (Passed)
  • Bylaw Change (expense allowance)
  • Lease
  • Updated Budget / Receipts
  • Set up Jim as Staff Member/Reporting access.
  • Table Saw
  • Miter saw Guard
  • Phone Call Drive
  • Turn flickr off

Old Business

  • Broken E-mail Account - SOP required, O&D need instructions for how money can be spent to fix things
  • Table Saw (Finally to be removed from Agenda!)
  • Setting Dates For Meetings - Suggestion was ever Quarter have a non-3rd Tuesday meeting.
  • OOPS update

Membership Report

Treasurer Report

Here are links to the two reports for January 2024

Treasurer Topics

  • January was an OK/good financial month and the treasurer encourages ongoing everyone's good OOPS efforts to increase membership and revenue.
  • Investigating to transition from QuickBooksDesktop to Wave Accounting software (working with Tiffany & Daniel Johnsen)
  • Discuss and obtain O&D authorization to use LG&E bill leveling
  • Discuss and obtain O&D authorization for "encumbered/designated/reserved" accounts shown on Statement of Financial Position

New Business

  • Homeless at the point and new door protocol.
  • Lawyer Stuff / Wavier
  • Soda Machine Price - Lock-a-doc
  • Classroom HVAC

Round Table

Action Items for Next Meeting

Categorizing Monthly Purchases

  • Will work toward a formalized procedure to make sure it continues; possible bylaw change for annual meeting


Board meeting minutes, January 16, 2024 Attendees: Kevin F, Danielle B, Andy M, Adam T, Jim D, Tiffany H, Bill S, Raj S, Charles L, Pete R, other people in the main room who passed in and out of the board meeting

meeting commence 9:19 pm

Old action items:

  • Metalshop Fan FAP passed: Will get fan ordered shortly. Kevin P did the FAP, Bill S has the information about the fan; Tiffany H will handle getting with Bill to order parts.
  • Bylaw change, expense allowance: It passed.
  • Lease: Have new board in place. Tiffany will text Barrett telling him, and that Kevin F is new president.
  • Update budget/receipts: Shoestring budget is in effect now. Receipts were reimbursed for last month. New reimbursement allowance amount is $150 per reimbursement, up to $600 per month.
  • Set up Jim D as staff member with reporting access on Pike13: Has been done.
  • Table Saw: Fixed and set up with dust-collection requirement in place.
  • Miter Saw Guard: Ordered one, not second one yet. Go ahead and order second one.
  • Phone Call Drive: Did that. Still have a few contacts to make, but mostly updated.
  • Turn flickr off: Tiffany tried, was unsuccessful. Danielle will try again to “fluck with flickr”, or we will have Jim D cancel payment on PayPal.

Old business items:

  • Broken email account - SOP required, O&D need instructions for how money can be spent to fix things: Discussed last couple of months that “broken is broken,” the emails were only being received by two people.
  • We’ve un-broken “broken” and now more people are receiving the emails. Regarding SOPs, our bylaws spell out how and when we can spend money to fix things, but we need to organize things so that directors know what we can and can’t spend money on.
  • We want to get to where “broken” is more of a ‘membership initiative’ thing than a ‘spend money’ thing. OOPS will be addressing this.
  • Moving forward, things that need to be purchased will be handled by O&D, things that need repaired or time investment will be handled by membership.
  • Danielle discussed the possibility of using Google Forms for receipts and reimbursements, and that we’ll now go back to our former reimbursements protocol under the shoestring budget.
  • Jim D discussed that, for the short term, use treasurer@lvl1.org to request reimbursements and copy the email to directors@lvl1.org just to be safe.
  • Group discussion regarding what can be spent per month in reimbursements and FAPs, and discussed why ‘broken’ needs to be maintenance.
  • Table Saw: Finally can be removed from the agenda; thank you to all who worked on it. People need to be aware that the table saw will not run without suction. The dust collector MUST be turned on first.
  • Setting Dates for meetings: In the interest of making board meetings more accessible to membership, meeting dates have been changed up a bit. Every even month, beginning with February 18th and ending with December 15th, will be one the third Sunday at 2pm; every odd month, such as tonight, will remain on third Tuesdays at 9pm.
  • OOPS update: Danielle discussed that she and Andy Mahoney will get a Discord channel and roles set up, then we can get the ball started rolling as an OOPS group to make things happen.

Membership Report:

  • Membership count as of tonight, 1/16/24, is 77 members.
  • The requirement for membership count under the shoestring budget is 63.83 members.
  • Jim D’s goal for the year is to add 16 members, or to get to 93 members by December 31, 2024.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Net income for month is $1,716, which includes a $500 makership donation, so $1,200 net revenue for December.
  • A check for $1,500 went out in December for January rent before I could get that changed, so a supplemental check for $500 went out in January. Rent total in January will be $2,500 because of that supplemental check.
  • Utility bill was $390 for December. January bill will be low, too. However, in new business, the classroom heater is not functioning and has probably been not functioning for a couple of months, which is probably part of why this bill is so low.
  • Zoom is $35; insurance is $153; CC processing fees are $122; spent $44 on supplies; spent $10 on low-cost tools and supplies. Need to spend a little money on supplies, 90% alcohol, bleach, dish liquid, Gojo/Goop, coffee, other basic supplies, etc.
  • Jeff McCord donated all proceeds from his December laser class to makership, so total makership donation for December was over $560.
  • Balance Sheet information: Total assets at the end of the year is $65,433. This doesn’t include interest on the CD, which is at 4% and will mature in May. Our Republic balance is $54,331; the CD is 10,000; PayPal is $1,101, and the total is $65,433. Some of that money is encumbered funds: makership fund, 3D filament, vinyl fund, t-shirt money, and now potluck/pizza money.
  • Jim D will be back in town in two weeks, and we’ll handle getting Kevin F and Jim D onto the Republic Bank acct as signatories, and Charles L and myself off.
  • 2023 Annual Financial report will be provided to membership before June 2024.

New Business/Round Table:

  • Homeless at The Pointe and new door protocol: Barrett let us know that he’s having serious homeless person problems in the building, and that he’s had barrel bolts installed on ALL of his exterior doors, and now he is locking the building every night at close of business and opening them back up in the morning. He plans to have steel doors installed at the vestibule next week and having new locks on the exterior doors next week with stronger magnetic locks. Eventually, The Pointe’s keyfob system will be working again.
  • Kevin will send a message to membership about not leaving LVL1’s exterior door and bathroom door unlocked while not in visual line of sight.
  • Lawyer stuff/waiver: Raj has been emailing regarding new insurance. Our current waiver is insufficient, so we definitely need to update the waiver due to case law and needing updated language. When it comes time to pay an attorney for a waiver rewrite, we’ll be sure to retain someone whose specialty this is. For informational purposes, just gathering information regarding general legal questions is okay.
  • Soda Machine, prices/Lockadoc: Vending fund had $109; spent $60-something stocking the machine. Doc presented options for soda vending to potentially raise extra money to buy a snack vending machine for future use, and to have money in the vending fund for maintenance of the vending machine(s). Soda machine has 9 slots for sodas; most slots will remain the same, some slots will rotate various stock. Adam can/will make labels for buttons for soda machine.
  • Soda Machine, digital reader: Soda machine is currently cash only, discussion regarding different methods of debit card, RFID payments, there are additional expenses involved, STRIPE service, options.
  • Waiver: Discussion that we need to update it, and that we have a desire to make it digital.
  • Classroom HVAC: Is not working; we need to have it looked at. HVAC is LVL1 responsibility; LVL1 does NOT have to use The Pointe’s HVAC company. Tiffany will see if she can get her boyfriend’s nephew down here to look at it, fee free or cheaply.
  • Discussion regarding getting treasurer’s keys to Jim, and regarding safe combination. The president’s keys are apparently lost, haven’t been seen since Charles gave them to subsequent president.
  • Discussion regarding Google group, members’ list, emails, Discord, Slack, and what to use for official communication. We wish to develop Discord and Slack further, but will continue to use Google members’ list for official communication to membership.
  • Andy M will be making some improvement changes to the Discord.
  • Raj discussed that a raffle for the Potluck portion of Pizza donations is probably not a good idea, under the premise that it is charitable gaming and has too much state/Federal regulation. We are not selling food, it’s by donation only; people can eat the food whether they donate or not.

New action items:

  • Collect new board’s information for Secretary of State website and new whitelist for parking. Tiffany’s action item to file with Secretary of State.
  • Need to get updated parking whitelist to Barrett Tasman for PCM.
  • Kevin F is to ask Lockadoc for the PIN to the security system.
  • Tiffany do a group message with Kevin F and Barrett T introducing new president to landlord. Will have a conversation about lease signing. Want to review the lease before signing: Charles, Tiffany, Raj, Kevin F.
  • Get new board members into appropriate Google emails and chats and suite and such.
  • Need to get the whole board up and running on the Slack private directors’ chat.
  • Tiffany going to have a discussion with an attorney regarding whether we need O&D insurance (eg, O&D negligence, not following bylaws, etc.), what changes waiver needs to have, etc.
  • Set a meeting date between Danielle, Jim and Tiffany to discuss member management things.
  • Metal shop fan FAP. Tiffany will order the fan and other parts provided therein.
  • Tiffany will order other miter saw part(s).
  • Adam and Danielle will try to turn off flickr.
  • Kevin F will set new board meeting dates, put them on the calendar, and notify membership of those.
  • OOPS update, Danielle.
  • Kevin F to notify membership of homeless issues, Pointe locking doors daily, trash out during business hours until Pointe doors are fixed.
  • Tiffany will get an HVAC person to come look at the classroom HVAC.

meeting adjourned at 10:54pm