Full Spectrum Laser

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  • Owner/Loaner: LVL1
  • Serial Number: 2011052503
  • Make/Model: Full Spectrum Laser MLE-40
  • Arrival Date: July 2011
  • Usability: Working
  • Contact: Tyler, Tim M, Chris, Aaron
  • Where: Main space near the makerbot
No image.JPG

How to use the freaking laser

1. turn the power strip that power the laser, water pump, and air pump // 2. make sure the water pump is on// 3. verify the water pump is on// 4. it will break the laser in 30 seconds if the water pump is not on// 5. make sure the air compressor is on// 6. turn on the emergency safety cut off switch// 7. turn the key to the on position// 8. rejoice in the light// 9. read this File:Laser Presentation.pdf//


  1. Check for water flow on startup
  2. Make sure exhaust fan is running
  3. Check for fires and put them out ;) 


 1.  Ever leave the laser unattended (see fires above)
 2.  Turn off the “Air” button. That needs to be on to protect the lens
 3.  Laser on Vinyl, PVC, Sintra (will produce corrosive and toxic gases)
 4.  Cut metals (it won't work)
 5.  Bump or touch the mirrors or lenses (will put the machine out of alignment or damage optics)
